Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve Edition

     It's New Year's Eve. Not yet entirely sure what I will be doing later. I ave an appointment with the National Guard Recruiter today at 1400. I will be getting a ride to his office from one of his assistants. Today 3's seem to be popping up, so 3 is the theme for the day. As well as 22 or three's happening in three's etc. Tomorrow four would logically be the theme since it comes after four, and four if the last digit of the next (and better) year. I am back on the E-Cig again. Still having some cigarette cravings weirdly enough though. Even though the liquid contains nicotine. Have a safe and Happy New Year! Good luck and don't drive drunk! If you get buzzed, let someone sober drive or call a cab. AAA is also providing free rides home to people who are drunk whether they are a member or not from 6:00 P.M.-6:00 A.M.


* H1N1 and Seasonal Flu On the Spread in the U.S.
   ~Deaths in Texas Have Already Been Reported

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Insomnia Is Back...

     Been having trouble with my insomnia again. Just when it seems to have gone away, it comes back. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't feel sleepy when it was going on. If I was just "awake" then that would be OK. It's the fatigue that sucks.  It throws my whole day off. I think I am finally getting over the gastroenteritis. It's cold and windy outside, so I don't plan to get out much today. It's not good to walk in. Probably risk frost bite. Our weather goes from comfortable warm, to frigid in the blink of an eye. It's weird when the day time is colder than the night.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Food Poisoning and Captain Trips

     I am slowly getting over food poisoning (E. Coli is the culprit I think), and I may have passed a kidney stone. I have been spending a lot of time with friends as I continue to enlarge my social circle. Continuing to drop off job applications. I haven't applied at any medical clinics in awhile. I have applied for several positions at Norman Regional Hospital and will be canvasing some nursing homes on Monday. Typically CNA/MAT jobs are a dime a dozen and a guaranteed position. Let's see if my luck changes with that. Flu season has started and its hitting hard in Oklahoma and Texas. A couple of states have had outbreaks of H1N1, with 80% of flu cases in Texas being the deadly H1N1 strain. And guess what? I didn't sign up for Obamacare. I guess I am screwed? Maybe...

Comet ISON:

Comet ISON was expected to be the "comet of the century". Maybe "comet of the year" at best. It's cameo to our solar system ended on Thanksgiving day when it grazed the sun. Burning up and exploding it disintegrated leaving behind a cloud of vapor and meteors at best. 2013 was a very interesting year for space debris.

News (and links to source sites):

* California Could Face Historical Drought in 2014

* Millions of Americans to Loose Their Unemployment Benefits

* US Jude Uphold NSA Wire Taps as "Legal"

* Did Paul Walker Fake His Own Death?

* Outbreak of Goat Plague in China

* Report on Newton Shootings Offers Little

* No Evidence for Sandyhook Shooting Motive...but Lot's Learned About Gunman

* H1N1 Outbreak in United States

* Is Oklahoma Ready for the Big Quake?


StateImpact: Issues that Matter



Thursday, December 26, 2013


     Had a good Christmas. Yesterday I took a gander at the CNN.com website and noticed a lot of bad things happened over Christmas-worldwide. This has been a terrible year. I have said it many times already, but just a few more days left before 2014 and I expec that to be a better one. The Antichrist didn't rise this year though. Kind of expected him to...



Monday, December 23, 2013

Ice Storms and Bad Winter Weather...and another earthquake too!

     We have been hit by ice storms. There was a tornado in Kentucky, seven people have died as a result of freak winter weather and their have been floods. Here in Norman we have sustained a lot of tree damage from tree limbs freezing and falling (on cars) and many of the trees are bald as a result. Some areas are without power. The temperature is dangerously cold and today will be the first in a few days that I will get out and get stuff done. I wonder if more bad winter weather is headed this way? It should be warming up. Yesterday we had another earthquake-3.3M. My friend's apartment burned down last night. Such a shame so close to Christmas.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thinking About Becoming a Citizen Soldier

      I plan on joining the Oklahoma Army  National Guard if they will take me. I would like to be a Combat Medic or Chaplain's Assistant if those positions are available to me. I am also using a "vape" to quit smoking. You have seen them around I am sure. People on the bus with them, or out in public even though they are banning them all over the place. Whatever. They help people quit smoking. I am sure Big Tobacco has its hand in the legislation. They don't want competition for their cancer sticks. I say smoke 'em if you got 'em. The smoking lamp is lit...does anyone know what that is from? It is going to be a great Christmas this year mark my words! I send love to you all dear readers. I think of you often. I ma not know your personally (but I would love to! Facebook me!) but I wonder who you are and what your interests are and what you think of what I write. You. The Person reading this right now. Why don't you shoot me off an email or something?

     On Saturday the eigtht earthquake for this month in Texas, shook. There have apparently been an outbreak of earthquakes in Oklahoma and Texas in recent months.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pray for Japan


      I have been doing a lot of meditating and contemplating and getting a lot of writing done. It's all in my journals. Things that I will share on here as time goes on. I needed to hit the mental "reset button" and give my brain a good flush. It worked. Clarity of thought and a little bit of spring cleaning make way for bright new things. It is almost Christmas time and I am in the Holiday spirit. I had to revive that spirit. For awhile the Holidays were kind of a downer for me. But these days they aren't. I love it! I believe in Santa. Not that a literal red fat man lives at the North Pole, but rather that the spirit of Santa is very real. He is timeless and I bet if we found another intelligent civilization out in space-they would have a Santa too!

     Today there was a 5.5M Quake in Japan. Ironic since I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman from the Philippines about Japanese earthquakes. No reports of immediate damage. It seems that 51 of the Sailors who helped in the rescue after the Fukushima incident have come down with various cancers. God bless those men and women. They have gone way above and beyond what they were called to do and have sacrificed so much as a result. And for that we should show appreciation. There has also been an incident where the Chinese Navy blocked the way of a US battleship that was trailing their carrier in the south China sea. While I can understand the Chinese wanting to protect their assets, it is never a smart idea to get in the way of America. Right or wrong, things like that come with a hefty price tag.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Where My Demons Hide

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide
Don’t get too close
It’s dark inside
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide
                                                                          -'Demons' by Imagine Dragons

     Need to do some grocery shopping today. Cleaned up the living room today. Slept for over 12 hours. I  think it's my depression that is making me sleep so much. However in the sleep state I visit the land of dreams where lessons are learned and karma is burned. I have been having rather sad and angry dreams lately. I guess I am working out issues in the subconscious plane. My mind has felt overwhelmed lately too. By simple things. I become frustrated over simple tasks. I feel like my mind is racing and I have too many things to do at once, and I just crash and sleep for long hours. I guess my Cymbalta is no longer working. I don't have another appointment with my psychiatrist until January 30th. I am becoming flustered over the fact I keep starting my sentences with "I", but clearly I have done nothing to change that. It's my blog, I will do what I want with it. I, I, I, I, I!

What this country needs is less "warrior cops" and more civilised vigilantes. Whatever happened to Constitutionally protected Militias?


Voice of Elijah

Signs of the Times

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

In Defense of Satanism

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
     -The 1st Amendment

     The Satanic Temple desires to put up a Satanic memorial in Oklahoma City in response to a display of the Ten Commandments. Even as a former Satanist, I found that to be a shock. I never really imagined that this kind of thing would be allowed. I was almost offended...almost. As a Baha'i, I embrace diversity in all its forms so long as no one is oppressed or harm in the process. Satanism is a legitimate religion, that when practiced in its modern form condones rationalism, hedonism, individuality and free thought. True Satanism does not mean harming others (besides in self defense), sacrificing any living being (except when used for food) or any other violation of the law. It is an existential philosophy that views Satan as a mascot for the higher self, rather than a literal being to be worshipped. Satanists are mostly atheist in philosophy and worship only themselves. I support religious freedom to its fullest and as a Baha'i, I believe it is my responsibility to stand up for minority groups and defend their freedom to practice, as I would hope my freedoms would likewise be defended. There are many paths to God...even if the God you perceive is a bit unorthodox when compared to your more mainstream religions.

     I believe that the Satanic Temple should be allowed to put up a Satanic Memorial as long as it is done in good taste and the same rights are extended to all religions who may also wish to display icons of their faith. I would also like to state that I am in no way offended when I hear "Merry Christmas", or see Christian, Jewish or Islamic Holiday scenes on display around the Holiday season. It gets me in the Holiday mood and these things are expressions of our culture. If you want to take down these images because you are insecure about other people's, than as far as I concerned, your guilty of "reverse-proselytising". Relax, unwind and have a Merry Yule. Your sphincter will thank you.

Record Breaking Cold in Oklahoma! 5 Degrees This Morning!

   This is how it will be at the end of the age.     -The Gospel of Matthew

     I have been kind of depressed lately. Some problems with a couple of friends, plus the grey weather I am sure has had a lot to do with it. Today seems to be better however. The sun is out, and it is warmer today. Warm enough that some of the ice will melt, but refreeze tonight, making the roads even more dangerous. The temp this morning was 5 degrees! I love when nature outdoes itself! I am a nature worshiper. On the job hunt, but honestly not too optimistic about it, because I haven't had much luck in the past couple of years. I believe that will change when the time is right. I could sure use a boost of positive energy, so if your into directing energy to others, I would sure appreciate it.

"Godhead of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea"

Kim Il-Sung ("God") + Kim Jong Suk (Holy Mother)
Kim Jong-Il (The Son/Saviour)
Kim Jong-Un (The Promised One)


Blackwater USA

Education Under Fire. Defending Iranians Right to Education


John Titor. Rel Life Time Traveler

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Another earthquake!

    Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places...These are the beginning of birth pains.
     -Mathew 13:18 NIV [Text bolded by me]

 As I type this we just had another earthquake! I was sitting here at the computer an noticed a sudden, but quick jarring motion (north to south?) and noticed the computer monitor shaking. I turned around and noticed that the Computer Tech here at the library also had noticed it. He thought it was the wind, but my Mom also felt it in OKC. Jed Castles (local newsman) reported by Facebook that we had a quake. It seems to have been felt throughout the metro area. If you felt it, share your experience in the comments section! Just when I was worried about writers block! Jed Castles reports via facebook that the shake was 4.7 NE of Edmond. I thought it was about 4.1M. I bet we get a big one within the next month. As I have previously mentioned, out quakes from this swarm, keep getting bigger. I am expecting aftershocks. Did you feel the quake? Report it here.

     Today is Pearl Harbor Remembrance day. My thoughts go out to all of our service members in the past, present and future! Nelson Mandela has also recently died. I predicted he would die this year. Sad to see another great person go on to the Abah Kingdom. We have received some snow and cold weather here in Oklahoma. Snow wasn't as bad as it was predicted to be. There were three rounds to the storm, but I slept through a great deal of it. Needed to hibernate I guess.

Earthquake Updates

*News 9 Reports Damage in Edmond [I posted this update at 12:50 P.M.]

*Quake may have been 4.8M.


Thalidomide Information

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Religion in North Korea

     Winter weather is creeping its way closer and closer to my town. It looks like we are going to have several inches of snow. Thank you climate change. I am looking forward to it. I am always looking forward to the voice of nature.

Religion in North Korea
     In the DPRK religion is free in theory. At the capitol there is a Catholic Church, a Protestant Church and a Buddhist Temple. I wonder why there are no Bahai centers? I would love to go to North Korea as a Representative. Cheondoism is the shamanic tradition for that geographical area.

In Memorium James Rockfurd

     “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

― Maya Angelou

     Throughout my life I have met people who were special in a mystical kind of way. People who seemed to have been placed in the right spot at the right time in my life. These people have served as guides in my life. Sometimes spiritual. Sometimes secular. Each with their own lesson to teach me, and I am sure I taught them something too. I try to live every day of my life in such a way as to be available to anyone who may need such a guide. I have learned much from them, and will learn much more. I hope that the opportunity comes to me to teach someone. I  am sure that I am someones spiritual guide, yet I probably don't even know it. We may have one, or more, or maybe none in our lives. No matter-we always receive what it is that we need. I don't believe that we are necessarily without a guide in our lives. It's totally up to us to listen to them or ignore them. Who is your spiritual guide? Do they know? Have you thanked them? I seek to be someones guide and guardian, and I know that in the right time I will receive a perfect pupil, whomever that might be. When I have a family of my own, I will seek to be the spiritual center for the family and guardian as well. I miss having a family and people to care for. It seems I always need someone to take care of in some capacity. That is the kind of person I am.

     When engaging in a situation with others you need to stop and take time to ask if they are responsible enough to handle whatever is going on.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Diamonds and Triangles and the Blessings of Youth

     I don't know if I already mentioned it or not-that I got my two month sobriety chip from AA. I attend meetings at Norman Original Group in Norman, OK. Had Thanksgiving with the family of a friend which was really nice. I enjoyed it. I always enjoy eating. I am almost out of groceries and SNAP doesn't come for me until the 10th. Tomorrow I am supposed to see my Mom, so she will likely bring me food. I am making due until then. I am very resourceful and do well under extreme conditions. That makes me a good survivalist. Someone to have on your team when the rains come.

     Some of the things that I seek to do are to encourage creativity, wisdom and free expression in youth. I am interested in becoming a youth minister, however the Bahai Faith has no ministry, so my ministry is my service to my society and the youth of this society and world. I also enjoy getting little gifts from the children of friends and within my family. Even a small picture of hand maid trinket is far more valuable to me then something bought in a store-especially when it comes from the heart. I like to teach and challenge them and be challenged and taught by them. Two youths whom I recently was able to care for taught me much.

12 Days from now: December 14th, 2013.
12 Days Ago: November 20th, 2013.

Christmas is on December 25th and last Thursday was Thanksgiving. January will begin the President's sixth year in office.

Is Sasquatch really a Chewbaka?
-Brian Hill
 December 2nd, 2013 (1 A.A.)
405.215.5085 (feel free to text me)
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Diamonds and Triangles

     I have seen an interesting triangle symbol in a dream that I had as well as having noticed the same symbol popping up from time to time. And as someone who follows synchronicity and the universes messages-I naturally take note. The dream that the symbol appeared in was apocalypse related and the symbol represented either the eschaton or the Antichrist. The symbol resembles a large triangle composed of three other triangles (Three 3's). The pyramid is also the symbol of the Illuminati. I had the dream over a year ago I believe, but have noticed the reappearance of the symbol. The symbol is also related to a diamond in a way that I won't get in to here. The diamond being a symbol of the AC (at least in the dream) has lead me to look for Antichrist patterns related to the diamond.
     A few years ago a personality appeared on the Internet by the name of John Titor, who claimed to be a time traveler from the future and brought with him some details of the future that haven't materialised. One example is that in 2005 (?) America would be involved in an nuclear war. And it doesn't appear that we were. He also claimed that at the age of 13 he joined a militia group called the Fighting Diamondbacks. There is also Diamondback Tactical for those who like to arm themselves in cool weapons and tactical gear (militia related?). The Correctional Corporation of America, a private prison company, has a prison here in Oklahoma called Diamondback Correctional Facility. Could the Antichrist be a company? I doubt it. Most likely he is comes from the political system rather than a corpocracy. A diamondback is also a snake (serpent). The devil allegedly appeared to Eve in the Garden of Eve in the guise of a snake. Was he a diamondback maybe?
     Could the Beast be related to the diamondback somehow? There are a few loose points I listed above. They don't prove anything, but they do make material for consideration...or maybe not? Tribulation (Tri-) and Triangle (Tri-). Tri=three letters.
The triangle is complete. The Tribulation can now begin.
