Name: Brian James Hill
Some people would say that putting my name out there broad casted on the internet like that is risky...but isn't that what a name is for? Besides...look how boring it is. Brian-James-Hill. Three, vary basic ordinary names. Someone once said to me "But it's an American name"! Indeed it is. Or rather it is a British name, but as an American I will call it 'American'. James is the middle name of my father and Hill is his last name. I rather have 'Smith', which is the name of my maternal family. I was raised by them and consider myself more of a 'Smith', than a 'Hill'. My father was Keith James Hill. He currently resides in Maryland I believe.
I am glad. I am much more wise than I was ten years ago. This is the beginning of a new decade in my life. Big positive changes are coming for me soon. I got all the bad decisions and mistakes out of my system in my 20s. I am even looking to have a family in the not too distant future. I am tired of the dating game and all that garbage. I am ready to lay down routes and get some rest and stability and focus on my Mission.
I am 5'11. 158 lbs. Thin.

That is an older pic. Maybe a year old, give or take. But, it is more or less what I look like. Most of you already know that, because you know me personally.
Today is February 24th, 2015...and I'm already out of food stamps. I did sign up for Obama Care though-I can't afford the premiums, so my dental abscesses are going to have to be healed through some good old fashioned self-care. At least it could be scientifically fun.
I made four burgers today, using my Foreman grill. Cooked them way too long. The grill is supposed to know how long to cook it, and it did, but I left it sitting on the burning grill so long it was charred. I never claimed to be a good cook. In fact my own cooking leaves something to be desired. But, believe it or not, there are much worse cooks out there. Kayla is a "friend" who dropped in to stay for a few days. She cooked several times, and the food was worse than mine. I spit it out and threw it in the trash when she wasn't looking. I generally don't cook for others myself. I wouldn't want to put another human being through that kind of thing. The Bahai Fast is coming up and I am super-duper excited. That is a very special time for me, to fast and preform certain private and personal rites to commune with God and gain spiritual blessings. It is a wonderful experience every time. During the day I will fast from food and water as much as possible (including sex and nicotine) and do other rites that I have made for myself, that aren't prescribed by the faith. I tend to mix my own beliefs and practices in with the faith in order to better understand the truths of the faith and my relationship with God.
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