Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Book of 2 Brian Hill

The Book of Brian Hill 2

1. At the end, on Judgment Day, all will be judged accordingly. Some will be forgiven. Some will be sent back to begin a new (..?..) and to get a new chance to work through their spiritual progressions.
2. I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and my iniquities have I not hid: I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah. [1.]
3. Be kind to strangers. Be kind to your brothers and sisters in humankind. God may visit you, Christ may visit you, but you may not know it. He will come in disguise to test you. Feed the hungry, cloth the naked and heal the sick. Because any person you encounter could be Jesus/God in disguise!
4. I see the signs of the end times. It is ok.  The Day of the Lord is coming and I anxiously await it. I know I will witness it. I hope that it is soon. I believe that it might be soon.
5. When the Tribulation arrives, people will get in their shelters to hide from the wrath of God. Important governors and politicians will retreat to facilities built in the mountains. They will shout to the mountains "cover me, prrotect me, for the wrath of Jehovah is at hand! Hide me from His eyes!".
6. But, even in those places, they shall be shaken. The angel of death will visit them. The plagues will be increased against those who abandon their responsibilities toward the people and who run from the pestilences.
7. The symptoms of the coming Plague are fever, body aches, a dry cough, sweating, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and is highly contagious.
8. 1948 (Founding of the modern state of Israel)
    70 (suggested number of years for a generation)
  =2018 (Era of the Tribulation?)

By 2020, biblical prophecies could be on their way to being fulfilled.
9. Is the Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz a metaphor for the City of New Jerusalem?
Christ says 'Behold, I am coming soon!'.

1. After Judgment, the damned will stand at the right hand of God. They will witness the opening of Hell. But, when the Saints come to judge them-the sinners will be forgiven!
2. Only the Devil and his accomplices will remain in Hell. Many people will be found damned.

1. 15x2=30x4=120
2. This is the End.
Foot Notes
[1.] Psalm 32:5 (KJV 1611 slightly modified to fit modern vernacular)

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