Saturday, December 31, 2016

Pi, the Illuminati and Occult Synchronicity

     The Kalian era began around 2000, but with the dissembling of the Temple of KAL in 2011, that aeon has ended. Now we are in the eschaton. An apocalyptic age, that began on December 21st, 2012. At the top of the social Darwinism, is the Illuminati. They do exist and go under a differnt name probably. They HAVE to exist, because the system of our governments are easily manipulated. It would be absolutely stupid to think behind the scenes of Office, everything is calm and well (or that's how it seems.

      Have you seen the movie Pi? The one about the mathematician, not the one about the food. I'm not a Pythagorean I can only grasp a small part of the wisdom and enlightenment that a properly developed intellectual would know. I think of the symbol for Pi as a representation of GOD. The number in the film is 216 which is also the Kabbalist number for YHWH. I have touched upon the Kalian Aeon (before that was Thelema and Temple of Set) and the events of 12/21/12 began the eschaton. After the apocalypse is over we can expect a Messianic Age heralded by the Messiah becoming King over all kingdoms. This age will last for 1,000 years before evil is again unleashed (and with it KAL, the Liar and the false prophet) again to run his dark errands only to be eventually forever hurled into the Abyss, which the Messiah will seal closed forever.

     Another trinity exists. It is composed of Humans (the greatest evil), the Devil, and God. If you see spiral designs you may be experiencing synchronicity. Is the universe trying to tell you something? Spiral designs have both a light and dark side. One a positive note they represent the never ending cycle of creation. A spiral that spirals three times is of the satanic. I am no sure what the correlation is, but its what I have come to learn. The dark spiral spins backwards (in other words it is reversing creation like a black hole. It is the antithesis of Gods development of the plants and buildings, etc.

     Some of this information I acquired using various divination methods, and often times I was on a vision quest.

     Prophecy- in the year 2035 there will be a MAJOR catastrophe on earth. Could be the outbreak of global war or even an asteroid impact devastating

all life.

*Interesting facts:
Joseph Smith Jr. was born on December 23rd, 1805.

Kim Jong Un's birthday is January 8th, 1983 (making him slightly older then me). He was 33 years old when he took seat as Comrade Generalissimo. Kim Jong Un is the youngest head of state in the world.

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