Thursday, December 29, 2016

-Prophecy 8213-

-Prophecy 8213-

     *If you see the following things fulfilled, then you will know the validity of this Prophecy.

     To argue the nature of the Trinity is to argue the separateness of Christ, God and the Holy Spirit. It is like arguing if the brain, digestive system and genitalia are all separate people (when they are in fact separate organ systems composing ONE body). The same with the Trinity. It is a Divine collective team (one Monotheistic God).

     The spirit of the Antichrist exists in the corruption of mankind's authority. Each Head of State battles with the Antichrist over position within himself and within his station. It (the AC) is both a literal person (persons) and a condition of a leaders spiritual state.

     Soon there will  be a cosmic event that will demonstrate to many, that God is acting in the universe. Many will heed it as a warning. The Illuminated will understand what it is. Three days of darkness are coming. Many events are coming to demonstrate the omnipotence of God.

     "And when you get extinguished I will cover the heavens and darken the stars. As for the sun, with clouds I shall cover it, and the moon will not let its light shine. All the luminaries of light in the heavens-I shall darken them on your account and I will put darkness upon your land; is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah."
            -Ezekiel 32:7-8

     Rivers shall be dried up. The world will be thrown in to panic and the kings of the earth will be without guidance and shall be filled with terror. There shall be wars. Russia and the Muslim nations will be drawn against Israel. They shall strike her, but shall not harm her. For the might of Jehovah will destroy their armies and air forces and the Holy Land shall be their grave.

     There are Watchmen among you, looking for and seeing the signs. Heed their warnings and consider their guidance. There will be made among you prophets who will dream and have visions of things coming upon the world. The Lord does nothing save He first tells His prophets.

     If you repent and ask the LORD for forgiveness, He shall wipe clean your soul and shall not remember your misses anymore. You shall be born anew in the eyes of your Creator.

     The the damned-You shall try to run away from the wrath of God, but you will find no refuge. The land will open to swallow you. But should you run to the mountains they will fall down upon you and crush you. The armies of your enemy shall run you from your house. You shall flee the Adversaries forces into hidden places and into those places you shall carry the Plague with you. You will be unable to escape God's wrath.

     The Chosen will walk upon safe and solid ground. They shall find refuge in the mountains. They will have no cause to fear their enemies, for God has the power to send a legion of angels to protect them from the deeds of evil if He so Wills. The Chosen will have a seal put upon their head. A seal that is invisible to dark denizens.  The plague shall not touch them. They shall walk to and fro solid in health. They shall aid the chosen and judged alike. For the Chosen are stewards to mankind in that last days. And the Chosen should never cease in hospitality and mercy to even the lost.

     Heed the cosmic warning that is soon to arrive. And before that time make yourselves, your loved ones, your homes and your places of worship ready. Go forth and warn others that they might be saved and see the signs of God in the heavens.


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