Wednesday, December 19, 2018

How the Xi Jinping Grinch Stole Christmas for the Chinese (Kings of the East and the Red Dragon)


     Christmas in China is going to be one of suppression, OPression [sic], and "Re-education". Christmas is officially banned this year by the Chinese Communist Party. Celebrating Christmas in China this year (and the foreseeable future) could quite possibly get you arrested, tortured and sent to a "re-education" center for ideological cleansing. China's tyrannical government has in recent months stepped up their campaign against religious freedom in the nation. The Communist Party is cracking down on thought forms and philosophies that do not center worship on 'the Party'. In a strangely ironic twist, China (until Xi Jianping made himself permanent President of the "People's Republic, the nation was considered free) has taken a great leap forward in the direction of North Korea's ways of doing things. The red dragon of the East is coming upon the world stage and something looking like a beast is forming in the old Roman empire's legacy, making China a much larger rival against modern Rome (the Western American Empire). Further irony is that China produces 60 percent of the artificial Christmas trees produced and exported.

     On December 8th an oil field in Libya was taken over protesters from the Fezzan Anger Movement. The name says it all. At least they are upfront and honest with you about how they feel. The U.S. government stands in solidarity with Libya's government against the Angry Fezzans, which is unsurprising considering America has interest in Libyan oil, over the oppression of a Libya's citizens by their own government. America, guardian of freedom.


North Korea is Biggest Persecutor of People of Faith

* CDC has released an alert over mysterious virus (cousin to Polio) spreading in the central U.S. and leaving children paralyzed.

* Current Ebola epidemic being called the second worst in Ebola's history. The largest being the Ebola pandemic  2013-2016 (though it is still burning out on a very local, but small, regional level).

* U.S. troops to be withdrawn from Syria as President Trump Declares victory over ISIS.

* Situation between Russia and Ukraine remains tense as war-bells ring.

* China perfecting submarine sentried nuclear warheads capable of reaching America's interior.

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