Saturday, December 15, 2018

Xmas Edition (But no Xmas in China-Christians being executed in Chinese Prison Camps)

     Wet winter for my area. An insultingly small amount of snow a few weeks ago, I think. Outside it ices just a bit. No Christmas for me this year, no thank you. Maybe next year. An interesting note...the 7.0 M earthquake that hit Anchorage a couple of weeks ago happened on 'St. Andrews Feast Day'. St. Andrew is whom the San Andreas fault was named after. Interesting synchronicity. Tuesday YET ANOTHER gunman (surprisingly this one wasn't in America) did his thing at at a market in France. This gunman was formerly known by police and considered radicalized. Police shot the man after 48 hours. Terrorism was considered in the case, as he did yell "God is Great" in Arabic (none of these guys can think of a single thing new to say). He had been well known by police since the age of 10, having had at east 26 convictions (you might say he started his career early). If he was so well known by police and under their eye for two years, why was he able to carry out such an attack? How is it that in this BIG BROTHER society, the authorities have nosed their way into the citizenry's business in every nook and cranny it could poke it, and yet are still unable to prevent these attacks while spending so much money and time monitoring us? Either they are incompetent, wilfully negligent, or they are allowing these things to happen to further whatever agenda they have.  I think it's probably the third one. But, I bet if I jaywalked across Robinson and I-35 service road, one of those cam-cops would snap a pic of me and using face recognition would have a citation for me waiting in my mailbox or whatever they use to deliver such things. Yet, our security forces are seemingly at times absolutely impotent to protect us. I don't think its us they are interested in protecting. My heart goes out to the people of Paris, because that city has had so many heart breaks over these kind of events in our modern era.

     In China Muslims, Christians and other people of faith are being rounded up and sent away to "reeducation camps" and man are being executed in a modern holocaust for refusing to denounce their faith and worship the tin god state. Wake up, because soon enough, these things will be happening in America. We are not far behind at all. Russia has its sites on invasion of Ukraine. A one nation-state possibly looms for Europe's future. Our climate is wrecked, the second worst Ebola outbreak in history is happening in west central Africa and cyber-attacks of unprecedented proportions are hitting the New Babylon for the holidays. This year, the times have me feeling less than 'Christmassey'. I hope your is better. May God Bless and Protect you.

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