Saturday, July 4, 2020

Random Reminisces

     I am typing this while a fire works show is going on in front of me. It is Independence Day and I have a few beers in me, and hopefully more alcohol later. I gave gad a lot on my mind and it is giving me melancholy, so I'm not enjoying things that I should be enjoying. I have a deer friend that is outside of my ability to contact her (temporarily), but I read miss talking to her. Anyway, here are some random reminisces of mine:

- I would make sure good leader if I wasn't so adverse to authority (depending on situation).

- All Women are beautiful  and you all deserve to know that. Don't let any man shame your game.

- I miss working in Urgent Care (medical clinic). The previous employer really burned me, which is a shame since it was my dream job. God Willing, I will find another dream job.

- I hope my Mom is still awake. I hope my friend and me go to lunch next week. I hope me and my friend J. eventually become something more than friends. I hope my friend A.B. returns to Oklahoma City so I can see him again.

- I hope to have a daughter someday. I will be the best father to my children imaginable.

- I wonder if I will ever get to hang out with D. and B. again. I will never see Mark again.

- I love Kim Chi.

- Follow your Will.

- I could tell people all that I have learned on the path of mysticism about the matrix of reality, but they likely would not believe me.

- I don't like to watch T.V. (except for the news mostly). I like to be in control of the media that I receive.

- If possible I one day visit the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).

- I will Love my children with all my heart. I will care for them to the most possible.

-There are alot of peoplle whom I have forgotten,  that I would like to request ember and recontact.

- I love caramel.

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