Civil unrest has once again reared its ugly head in America. Riots continue as Police Departments have been defunded. Crime has risen 500 percent in some areas, people protest the wearing of masks and police brutality, there is racial inequality threatening to etomise a new civil war. Tempers are high and violence has broken out. The National Guard has been deployed in some areas including the National Guard Military Police. Rioters make legitimate protestors look like criminals by giving people the impression that the protestors are endorsing the rioting-which they are not! There is backlash against the Police and many people seem to have forgotten that there are many good cops, not just bad. The Second Amendment is threatened which has led to tensions between pro-gunners and anti-second amendment sentiments. If there is an attempted seizure or abolishment of fire arms in America there will likely be armed conflict. In one place, a militia deployed itself to protect private homes from rioters and looters.
The direction that our country is going in is not a good one. The national quarantines have likely contributed to the situation by angering those who don't want to lock down and triggered boiling temperaments among many many people. All this is coming to a head and it looks like we are approaching civil war. Statues and national monuments are being destroyed and the Confederate flag is banned in some places. These are all ingredients for a revolution which may be coming. Conspiracy theorists are worsening the situation by creating paranoia. The situation is beggining to resemble Mao's "Cultural Revolution" and certain protest groups are beggining to resemble the Red Guard. American history is both being destroyed as well as being made. I believe revolution or civil war may be around the corner. It can even be said that it may already have begun.