Sunday, August 9, 2020

2020: A Decade as a Bahai

      I do not yet personaly know anyone who has been infected by the virus (praise God!). In my state (Oklahoma) cases may be plateauing for the moment, but I believe much bigger spikes are yet to come. The winter will be much worse. In Norman there is a city wide mandate that masks must be worn when outside of your home. Some people remain sheltered in their places of residence hoping to avoid the plague as much as possible. And now there is a national coin shortage because people have been indoors and not spending hard money lately. It has mostly been with plastic/online. I try to use exact change whenever possible. That's my advice for you too. And also that you should wear a mask if possible. The states continue to be brutally hot with temperatures in the 90s and occasionally in the 100s. The humidity in Oklahoma is criminal. We had an almost non-existent tornado season.

    I have been studying monotheism in depth for awhile and God seems to be shifting me towards more Pagan practices. As a Baha'i, I accept this as another route to the Divine and does not contradict my faith in my opinion. I became a Baha'i in August of 2011. Previous to that I walked the left hand path, so that was a interesting remanifestation of my spiritual practices. I didn't "convert" to become a Baha'i. Rather, I discovered that I already was one, except now I discovered a name for my path. The transition was not nearly as dramatic as one might expect. In fall of that same year God introduced Herself in a most dramatic fashion. But, I was ever great full for it and remain eternally so. It seems like it was yesterday that I declared myself a Baha'i, even though it's been almost a decade. I still consider myself new to the faith. How time flies!

     A young Indian astrologer has predicted that the pandemic will hit harder in December. I believe it will disappear not long after that, though it could stay for a total of three or more rounds.


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