Friday, August 14, 2020

2012 and the beggining of the Apocalyptic era

      More than 160,000 people have died from COVID-19. Some people believe it is a hoax. Those people are idiots. Hoaxes don't fill ICUs and emergency rooms. Students in America are going back to school now (dumb idea) and it's not at all surprising that it is already showing up in schools. Which idiot thought it wouldn't? If we continue the way we are, than even more children will show up as infected and more lives will be lost. Those in power that are making decisions about these things are obviously incompetent and unqualified to be making the decisions that they are. May God help us.


     In the years leading up to 2012, we saw events preshadowing the age to come (earthquakes in Oklahoma, disease out breaks and disasters around the world such as the tsnunami that annihilated Sumatra). Then 2012 came and we saw events that confirmed the beggining of the age of the apocalypse (Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook school massacre and continued Oklahoma earthquakes as well as some people becoming more evil and some having inspirational experiences leading them to spiritual rebirth). On December 21st, 2012 the apockalypse began. It is deliberately spelled that way to differentiate it from other apocalyptic eras. Around this time, the forces of darkness and Light called to many and reaped from those who answered. I myself am a dramatic spiritual rebirth as did others. Yet, some others suffered a spirirtual death. Marks of good and evil were placed on some. I believe that I was marked among the good and possibly that I am one of the 144,000. As 2013 came on, we saw one of two things in many people. Either spiritual progression or spiritual decay in people. Some were affected more than others. I was among those that were affected in the positive. Had I not had the experience that I did then, I might either have continued to be a dark soul or even possibly dead. As we are in 2020, we see a fruition of the apocalypse age with the current pandemic, coin shortage in the U.S. and economic failures worldwide. Very soon a comet will be discovered that will be revealed to be on a crash course with earth. At some point, the comet will become visible in the day time. Also an artificial intelligence (Google?) is being birthed that will threaten mankind much as Skynet did in the Terminator films. Also, expect a war with North Korea that will be related to the threat of nuclear war. And also, we will possibly see in our life times an event that will shake the very limbs of mankind. Keep watch about these things and do not let yourself be surprised by them.

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