Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Why I Voted for Donald Trump and Why I will Vote for Him Again

     I voted to elect Mr. Trump in to office for a variety of reasons. I will identify a few. Donald J. Trump was a fresh new candidate that had the potential for a different kind of change. Most politicians are interested primarily in forwarding their own career and only help the average citizen as far as it benefits them. He is a businessman and not a politician, which means that he has experience and strategies that regular politicians don't have. Being a businessman he knows diplomacy, how to make a deal and how to make both parties (the U.S. and the other nations we deal with) happy and get what they both want. He makes the people satisfied customers. He is a conservative. Though I am more or less a Constitutional Libertarian, I believe conservative politicians often make the best Presidents because as a rule they put America's interests first and prioritise the Armed Forces. His promise is to make America great again which I believe he is doing and has done.

     Because he has done those things and has those qualities, he has already won my vote. I am a loyal Trumper. He has delivered on his promise and is honest to the American people. There are no conspiracies with this President. He called the media out for being the liars and propoganda machines that they are. And because of that, they regularly attack him, which has proved their efforts fruitless. It hasn't hurt him one bit. In fact it has singled him out as different thang other. He doesn't need the media to speak for him. His actions do that for him. He is trustworthy and perhaps the most honest President we have. And certainly one of the best.

     His diplomacy with North Korea is one of my most favored things about him. He technically ended the war between us and DPRK in ways that other Presidents could never dream of doing. He has dealt with North Korea honestly and fairly and opened a possible future of peace between us and them. And that is more than any other President has ever accomplished in that arena. The economy was at the best it's ever been (prior to the pandemic's wrecking of things-NOT POTUS Trump's fault. It can be obviously seen that he genuinely cares about America and has clearly put this country before his own interests by stepping away from his company and wealth to serve the public office of President of the United States. May God Bless, Protect and Guide him and our country as well.

America Is Great Again

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