We entered a new era of dramatic world change that begun on December 21st, 2012. Great changes will be coming over the world for the foreseeable future. Some things we can expect:
-increased disasters. We are passing through an apocalyptic age that is purifying and cleansing the world. These trying times are necessary for the betterment of everything. This age will end with dramatic and great changes to the earth and mankind.
-these changes are coming upon the world quickly and soon. The beggining has already begun and things are rapidly coming to fruition.
-there is a great presence in the world working to resist these changes and is to cause as much damage as possible and will succeed with some. The enemy puts great effort into ruining things and will have much sucess.
-this has been a tough year and will only get tougher. It may be some of the worst of times, but it will also be some of the best of times. Seek the good and positive and it will seek you. Good out does evil.
Magnus Horribilis
-2012 was the year when the Promise Maker delighted himself in beggining to show himself as the Promise Keeper.
-there will be an uprising in femenine power and Spirit. Woman will become empowered and the male rulership of things will cease.
-Believers such as the Jews and Christians will grow closer together and there will be a unity in the world between the Faith's.
-we will see more epidemics, economic collapse (and rebirth), increased and more severe storms and wars and earthquakes will become frequent and stronger.