Kether (or Keter) is a Kabalistic term to describe the crown point on the Tree of Life. Kabbalists use a variety of techniques to explore various points on the Tree of Life. If asked, I am sure other mystics will have different descriptions and understaning of Kether and this is my own. I don't claim to be a specialist or represenative of Kaballah or Judaism. More acurate and detailed information can be gained from a google search or seeking someone adept in the path. I have been doing similar work myself and have chosen Kether as my beggining point for exploration. Below I will list a few points about the Kether realm and a dream working suggestion if you are interested in pursuing exploration of Kether as well. I am not a Jewish mystic, but I have practiced various forms of mystisim and occult methods and have taken inspiration from what paths I have found sucess with. You may take something from what I have posted here, or explore other paths for yourself and make your own unique discoveries. That is what the path of exploration is about.
* Kether is located on the oposite side of the abyss from our realm.
* Your spirit guide can take you there upon request.
* For the most part, Kether is an indescribable place that has to be experienced personally to understand it. My own experiences of this realm have been in the dream state. I have experienced it as various places and settings that have appeared to me as every day locations in my dreams, however those places and the people I interact with are important symbols that have originated in eitherKether or from the spirit guide that assisted me in the dream state. How they manifested depended on my own minds filters and interpertations.
* There are other realsm beyond Kether.
* To best utilise this place for spiritual development, it is important that you visit this place often.
* It is neither a negative or positive realm. Neither good nor evil. It is how you manifest it according to your own level of spiritual maturity.
* The guide of this realm is the Metatron (voice of YHWH). Another representation to people more comfortable with Pagan traditions might meet the guide in the form of Mercury or Hermes, for example. The Metatron has come to me in the form of friends or ordinary people in my dreams. At the time I did not recognise it/him for what it was, but only realised it was the manifestation of the Metatron afte waking up and reviewing my dream. I was able to recognise him by the character he played in my interaction with him. He was always a guide, or person who had lead me somewhere that I was having difficulty getting to on my own. He also protected me and offered me safe passage across the abyss. There was a period of time that I was having difficulty "crossing the abyss" (an experience that seasoned occultists are familiar with), and was able to do so with the help of Metatron and the visition of this realm.
* Kether is amoral and without duality. Like many things in our universe its nature depends on how YOU manifest it in your experience.
* When I was "born again" I had such a significantly powerful experience that in hind site I wonder if I was spiritually present in the realm of Kether. I wonder if other people who have had divine awakenings were present in that realm wether they were aware of it or not. If any of my readers have had such experiences, I would love to read them in the comments section, or they can be emailed to me (if you prefer confidentiality) at BrianHillMA
Formula for Dream Work in Kether:
This is very easy and you should be familiar with dream experiences such as keeping a dream journal or lucid dreaming when doing this. Before sleep, meditate on, or pray to your spirit guide (I chose to directly addresed the Metatron itself) and ask to be taken to Kether, ask for the guidance and presence of your spirit guide. Ask to be able to recognise him/her/it either in the dream state or after waking up. Upon waking from sleep immediatley write down the dream and at some point when you are able to comfortably do so, meditate on the meaning of the dream. After interpertation, thank your spirit guide for their help and if you desire to- continue working with the Kether again from time to time. Move on to the other realms when you are spritually developed and ready to do so. I would be interested in hearing your results with this working if you are inclined to share them with me.