Monday, April 29, 2013

     Greetings! Today is Monday, the beginning of a new week thankfully, and the beginning of a new relationship. Spring is the season of love and to be in love and so shall I be. My clavicle is still hurting me something bad, and I haven't been able to get my pain pills filled-it's a long story, and I am having to settle for Aleve and Ibuprofen, which doesn't even effect a fractured bone. Sleep has become a all but impossible when you can lay only on your right side...and that side gets sore from being laid on all the time, and your left side hurts because it is broke! =P Smile away the pain I say! Easier said than done, but I have a home remedy of sorts that ought to help out. The bruising looks like I was beat up. If I  had a cell phone camera I would post a pic of the bruises. We have had lovely weather for once, and the music festival was a great experience. Good weekend. Helped me forget about my shoulder.

     Keep me in your prayers for healing and getting my life back on track. I would so much appreciate it! Thank you all so much!

*Missiles Fired at Russian Airliner As it Passes Over Syria

*Possible Human to Human Transmission of H1N9

*Home Schooler's Stripped of Their Rights?

*13 Reasons Why The Apocalypse Is STILL Coming

*H7N9 Claims 24th Victim

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27th, 2013 (The Heavens are Shaking and Falling

     Hello friends. As some of you may already known I broke my clavicle a few days ago and may have rotator cuff damage. It is possible that I will need surgery. Without insurance, how will that be possible? More debt. Debt has become the American pass time. I am not even sure how I broke it. I am supposed to take Ambien for insomnia. I took it before going to bed and apparently got back up and have no recollection of what happened. All I know is that I woke up the next morning in agony. Figuring I had a rotator cuff injury, I went the rest of the day and night without doing a thing about it. I had hoped maybe it was a simple injury and would get better on its own. Finally being unable to sleep due to pain, I broke down and went to the Norman Regional Hospital Emergency Room, where I was obviously examined by a Doctor and x rayed. The x ray confirmed a break. I am supposed to make an appointment with a "Dr. James Bond". I thought that was cute. So much for enlisting in the National Guard. Eh, I believe that everything happens for a reason and that despite my string of bad luck in recent weeks, something positive will come from all of this.

     As for other things in my personal life, I have been working through the separation of a recent close relationship that also ended up with loosing her family, which I adopted as my own. I am doing tons better than before, but of course lingering feelings will persist for some time. Then one day, it wont even matter anymore. Now that I am once again single I can "play the field" and work on my relationship with God (Allah).

     Now on to a review of last nights weather in central Oklahoma...The day shifted from warm to cold and warm again, which told me we could expect tornadoes or thunder storms. It had rained sporadically that morning. After reviewing the weather map I made a weather prediction for the storms to hit about 11:00 P.M. (see yesterday's post). I was off by just about an hour, give or take. The storm arrived at approximately 10:00 P.M. It hit north Oklahoma City, the hardest. One storm chaser said that it was "the worst" hail storm he has ever seen. With all this record breaking natural events occurring, one could make a drinking game of it. One road in the City was closed due to hail. I cant imagine how hail closed the road, but that is what happened.

     In my dream last night I received what I believe to be a sort of revelation. The whole message I am unable to recall, but it was hard to understand (think about Nostradamus's quatrains and how they were written), but it referenced an event connected with comets appearing from a secret place. The Oort cloud in the outer region of the solar system is composed of millions of comets. Could we see some multiple comets come from that region? Or maybe some where else? We recently had two close calls with asteroids, the meteor that exploded over Russia in February, multiple sightings of fire balls from various parts of the world and three comets to appear this year. Something seems to have disturbed the celestial bodies in our solar system. In Mark 13:25 we are told that "...the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken" (NIV). Sounds like what seems to already be going on. I am not a believer in "Planet X/Nibiru", however there has been scientific talk about a brown dwarf that may be causing a gravitational anomaly, that could cause celestial debris to be sling shot towards the inner solar system.

I always welcome feed back from my readers so if you wish to contact me I would love to hear from you:
Email: y GOOGLE account rarely gets checked.
Facebook: Brian Hill in Norman, OK.

Other News:

*Bird Flu Continues to Spread in China

*Arrest In Ricin Case

*Ben Affleck Battles World Poverty

*Italy Reaches Agreement in Formation of a New Coalition Government

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Coming Plague, Solar Behaviour and 11 Year Crisis Cycles

     Why has Influenza been a growing problem in the lately? The U.S. just went through the worst flu epidemic in a decade, and it will probably return this coming winter. India is dealing with an H1N1 outbreak, and China and Taiwan are experiencing a deadly strain of Avian Flu. Why so many flu's? Are we in a Stephen King novel? Have we entered the Age of Influenza? Is this any way related to the so-called 'Mayan Apocalypse'? The timing is certainly interesting enough. I believe that serious flu epidemics are some how related to eleven year solar cycles. I will present some 'data' later in the article. The sun's cycles operate in eleven year intervals. This year was supposed to be severe (Mayan Doomsday?), but for whatever reason has not been very active. However it is still the beginning of a new cycle and it's occurring at the same time as three flu outbreaks.

     It can be demonstrated that serious outbreaks of flu also occur in 11 year cycles. Whether this related or not to solar storms, I can not tell, but I definitely believe it is a theory worth considering:

"Epidemics are four times as likely during solar maxima," said Ken Tapping, a solar physicist with the National Research Council, pointing to the striking correlation between flu pandemics and the peaks of the 11-year sunspot cycle, also known as the solar maximum. (Copied and pasted from
As I mention again below, I believe that we will have a note worthy flu pandemic in 2013 or 2014. I lean towards 2013 being the likely year.

11 Year Crisis Cycles?
 * 9/11/2001- Terrorist attacks against U.S. and the mailing of Anthrax to multiple people. Eleven years later brings us to 2012. September being in fall lands approximately close to winter. We already know what came in December of 2012. Mayan Apocalypse, Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook Massacre, and freak winter weather (again 2012/2013 began the alleged 'solar maximum'. It is even debated that the suns weather, can effect the human psyche. It would make sense that the agrarian and Pagan societies viewed the sun as a God. It really is the closest thing we have to a 'visible god'.

* 2003 (SARS Pandemic) + 11 years lands us at 2014. 2003 was also the beginning of the previous solar cycle. I have previously mentioned the four blood moons that will begin in 2014. [Unrelated but worth noting-I happened to check the weather radar online for my area...and we may get storms 11. For you synchronicity buffs, that is 2300 in military time ;)]

*1998 swine flu outbreak (known as the "Year of the Flu" + 11 years= 2009 (see next bullet).

*2009 (Swine flu epidemic) +11 years=2020. I am of the belief that not only will we see a serious flu pandemic in the immediate future, but we will see another one in 2020...if we last that long.

NOTE: I am NOT an Epidemiologist or scientist (other than a student of eschatology). This article is a reflection of my own agreement with various other's research, and this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of others.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Warnings from December 2012

Written late December of 2012 (During or just after Yule)    

     The imposter is about to come. As is the 12th Imam. ... At the euphrates-> there will be something discovered of value! Don't go there! There is danger! A Plague will come on the backs of those making Hajj [last years...the only 'plague' I am aware of having come out of the middle east lass tear was the SARS like virus]. Influenza. The Superflu [respiratory illnesses-which the SARS like virus is]. ... but we are immune [the Elect]. There will soon be panic! How great this day for the Elect! How terrible for the ones who have refused him. Massive snow storms in the U.S. per Chanel 9. Don't take the gold of the Euphrates. ...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Blog Post for April 19th, 2013

April 19th, 2013
Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing (4/19/1995)

     Today marks the 18th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. I was in down town OKC today, but it wasn't very active there. Security also didn't seem tighter then usual. Though I was unnerved being in a Federal building at the time. They have been looking for the remaining Boston Bomber Suspect (other one killed in shoot out with police). The city of Boston has been placed under Marshall law as Police and Soldiers go door to door looking for the nineteen your old suspect, who is originally from Chechnya. Only a little while ago was mass transit allowed to open back up after having been locked down. I think the suspect is dead already. Where would he hide? I believe he has either hid really well with a friend or relative or has killed himself.

     I have also been taking the occasional glance at the night sky looking for the "bright" comet, but haven't been able to positively identify it. I think I have seen Venus and Mars and a point of light that maybe is the comet, but probably isn't. Either way it hasn't proven to be spectacular at all. I did notice a blue or purple 'star' though, that I haven't been able to identify either. There is a Hopi prophecy about the end of the age coming with the appearance of a blue star. The recent outbreak of earthquakes in Oklahoma has me wondering if we aren't getting ready for a bigger event. Although we did have our big one in November of 2011, I am looking forward to another 'big one'. Whats wrong with me do you ask? Well, bad weather, meteor impacts and pandemics really get me going. I am probably one of the few people who get excited at the coming destruction of something. Experiencing that earthquake was just too cool an experience to pass up again...even if I do get flattened by whatever building I am inside. Makes for a good story the next morning at work, know what  I mean? Oklahoma has three faults worth focusing on. The Wilzeta fault in south west Ok near Lawton, the Seminole Uplift (which was likely responsible for the 11/11 shock) and a fault line that runs just underneath Oklahoma City. Norman, OK has also had it's share of quakes.

     I have had a pretty good day today. No big complaints. No complaints at all really. I hope tonight is just as good if not better. It's Friday evening and I hope it's not dull. Full of fun in a college town. The weather today was warm with a slight shill. The sun shined in the afternoon. The night should be some what cold.  Cold weather coming again for OK next week (again...the winter shows no signs of stopping-even thought we were 'supposed' to have an early spring).

Woe to the Earth! You are about to loose a great jewel!

I feel him approaching.
I feel him coming night.

To Sandy Hook

     I also beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven.
     -Joseph Smith; Doctrines and Covenants 137:7-9

     And a child shall lead them...

Journal Entry from December 21st 2012

December 21st [2012]

The Beginning of the End

Yesterday...On Chanel 9 during the P.M. news. The words "unfriendly" appeared along the bottom of the screen news ticker. Instead of the news. Who is unfriendly? The Imposter []? Has the news been taken over? By "unfriendly" elements. The Army, the Aliens? Illuminati? All I know, is that I cant trust "someone".

Someone is coming!!!

     Flu season started early. With deaths already being reported. (Yesterday I read this on Google News and I think heard it on HLN. There is a plague in the shadows.

Famine     Drought    War


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Warnings to Look For As the End of the World Gets Closer

-False prophets and false religions. Counterfeit miracles.

-There will be wide spread hate and intolerance. People will seem to loose empathy for one another. The empathy in good people will increase.

-The people of God will be hated and persecuted.

-Astronomical and celestial events that will unerve and frighten people.

-Strange natural and unatural disasters.

-Multiple and wide spread military conflicts.

-Strange solar phenomenon (increasing and decreasing output and strength)

Spirals and the Universe

     The Universe is a spiral. In my minds eye I picture the  universe as a spiral. Each twist of the spiral contains a different place or dimension within the 'infiniverse'. The Spiral wraps around the body/throne of God who supervises each place on the spiral infiniverse equally. One part of the spiral goes up (towards the heavens"), the other part goes down (darker realms/Hell). DNA is also a spiral as is pi when drawn out on a graph. Flush your toilet and what happens? The water flows down the drain in a spiral. Black holes collapse as a spiral. Nature has many examples of spirals. The U.S. Army Medical Corps, uses the symbol of the caduceus which is two snakes wrapped around a winged pole (wrapped like a spiral). The symbol of eternity resembles the number eight (8). A type of spiral. In a sort of 'vision' I had in December of last year, I saw the spirals in relation to the universe and have been interested in this concept since.

Some Interesting Instances that I have Notices significance in the Number 23

Here are some interesting facts that I have noticed from my life regarding the number 23:

-When I rented the DVD of the film The Number 23 I immediately went to Burger King and my meal number was...order number 23! *GASP*
-In about December 20th, 2012 there was a winter storm car pile up. One person dead. 23 cars involved. Lubbock, TX. Injuring 17 people. Mile markers 17-23 of I-22 were closed.
-One of the major Japanese earthquakes killed 230,000 people.
-The Sandy Hook gunman use a .233 ammo. The news broadcast that I was watching showed bus number 23 on screen three times.
-I also had meal number 23 at McDonalds once.
-Human cells normally contain 23 pairs of chromosomes.
-R. had 23 webkins.
-Is the number of chaos (change) and the Illuminati. It is also the number of the eschaton. The eschaton is the apocalypse. Eschatology is the study of the apocalypse. I am an arm chair eschatologist.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

II Apocalypse

II Apocalypse
Written April 15-16, 2013

1.The sky has went from clear to cloudy. It may rain, it may storm. The sun gives a golden hue to the cloud mountain tops as it sets in the west.
2. What if tomorrow is the day written of in the Hadith? When Allah denies the sun, its passage back to the east, and instead the sun must rise from the direction it has retired? The day the Beast rises from the dessert in the desert. Only time will tell.
3. Today is April 15th 1 A.A. (2013). The Day of the Sun, The Day of the Explosions, the day of the terror in Boston. As Shawna says-it reflects the times we live in.

1. 9:02 PM CST- Just starting to feel centered. The clouds have gathered some and storms to the east. Storms popping up. Rain storms may be possible here.
2. I believe that the Tribulation is soon. We are in the last days, however we may still have a s long as 30 years left...or ten. I believe that I will see the End in my life time...or I could be totally wrong (as I have been before). I believe that we are living in an apocalyptic age at least. This is what I have been chronicling about.
3. The Kingdom of God is not just above us, it is also withing us. That is important to realise and remember. It is also around us. Nirvana is achievable within yourself. Look inside yourself to find the Kingdom, enlightenment and even God.
4. It has been suggested to me by Eva, to download "On My Own". Apparently it applies to my current situation.
5. Today marks the 101st anniversary of the birth of the Great Leader Kim Il Sung. No nuclear war started today. No missiles fired from the DPRK (to my knowledge anyway).
6. Were the Boston attacks, done be a revolutionary American, wanting to trigger chaos? Warring against his own country? I have said that these types of events are to be expected, and will occur with more frequencey as the U.S. and world governments slowly loose their grip of control over their populations. Were Islamic extremists involved? Could it have been North Korea?
7. When you have God, you are never alone. Loneliness never needs to apply in your life.
8. The situation in North Korea will soon be solved by the  West. Kim Jong Un will be the last dictator of the DPRK. There will be revolution and power struggle there, after the collapse of the regime.
9. ... [More events to occur in America soon]
10. I am finding more evidence of my belief about a sudden spiritual shift in people centered around 12/21/12.
11. We are living in the Apocalypse.
12. The weather patterns this year are going to be bizarre.
13. God puts people in our lives to lead and teach us. Who leads you? Who teaches you? Who do you lead and teach? Be conscious of that.
14. A Potentate is a person who has an almost universal amount of political power.
15. The sun has now set. What awaits us tonight? Tomorrow? Tomorrow is a new day. We recently had a new moon. Let us hope for better days ahead and positive changes.
16. The violence that I previously warned about, is now, and has been taking effect. It has been going steady for the past few months, and will increase in its influence. You will see people behave in ways that you couldn't imagine a human would willingly behave. The Boston bombings just highlight my warning. But fret not, for the world has much chaff to burn. Better, brighter, more beautiful days will follow these dark times. It is not a time to be in fear, but to rejoice for the earth is being cleansed. Things are being prepared for a coming utopia which is right around the corner and closer than you can imagine! The time for the destruction of the old world and the old ways of doing things, has arrived! It is about to be time to make things new!

1. Go out and help your fellow man. These are hard times we live in. Give to each other what you can. In times of disaster that is where you should be, out helping other people. Spread love and wisdom wherever you go. That is how to live in these times!
2.  Jesus (Yeshuah) had the name 'Jesus' even before he was born. It was the name he went by in his pre-existence, when he was the Word. Before his incarnation in the flesh.
3. 2013 will be a bad year. It will be a dark and terrible year. It will be infamous. It is associated with the number 13. However it will be a good year for many (including myself), but bad and terrible for others. Woe! Unto them who are preoccupied by earthly and evil things, All material things shall pass and be destroyed, but the Spirit always remains.
4. The amount of injured in Boston is over 140 with 3 dead. May God be with those whom died, and may he be with those who survived and may he be with everyone who has been affected by this unfortunate event. J. shared with me her testimony yesterday. She found god in December.
5. I wonder what the statistics are on new found faith around that time.

1. What is the nature of God? Does anyone know? God is unknowable in Its completeness.
2. But God will let you experience him. He will reveal himself to you if you ask him to. God is so much greater than the universe, you can't even imagine. God is always with you-forever beside you and he will never leave you without.
3. God is Love. God is Mercy.
4, God is quick to forgive and slow to want to punish.

V. The Birth of Christ
1. On a date that has since been forgotten, was born to a virgin woman, a special child.
2. (I sit here on Oklahoma University I write this. It really sets the atmosphere for writing, honestly. Maybe, it will even open me up to a social connection. I enjoy meeting people and talking to people. Norman is a great town to meet a variety of different types of people. Norman is it's own society.)
3. A star appeared in the east. The direction from which the sun rises. Was it a star? A comet? A super-nova? No one remembers.
4. To the world a child was born, and that child was named Jesus Emanuel. Jesus was the name he held, even before his birth. Yeshua Ha-Mashiach. Jesus is the Messiah.
5. The infant Jesus has been visited by a group of wisemen. How many wise men no one remembers. But they brought him three gifts.
6. His mother was Mary. Mary the Mother of the son of God. To whom was visited the Holy Spirit in her chastity and purity. Mary is the mother of mothers. Jesus was her first born. She gave him brothers, who were born after him.
7. And in the last days it will be like it was at the birth of this man. The sign of Christ shall appear in the eastern sky. When you see that sign, know that the conclusion of this aeon has arrived.

1. At some point it became April 16th, 2013. No mushroom clouds over American cities. No missile attacks. The Korean missile crisis is over by my score. They have demonstrated that they are mostly bark with little bite. They played chicken with the west and the west won.
2. [Image of a spiral]
3. Do you want to knot about God? Meditate on pi. Let he who has wisdom calculate pi. It is a spiral. Forever spiraling creation. The eternal cycle of all things.
4. The current time is 4:30 A. It is the 16th of April. Today is a new beginning. It is a new day. New days bring the opportunity for better things, a time to refresh and start anew.
5. All praise due to God! Allahu-Abah! Allahu Akbar! Hallelujah! Glory to the Greatest Name!
6. This concludes the text entitled II Apocalypse.

Tribulation and Rapture Notes

*Pre Tribulation/Rapture*

-Watch and pray... (Luke 21:36)

If you are curious about the current events going on in the world and their place in the Tribulation, relation to the Rapture or relation to the end of days:
*Contact the clergy of your faith.
*Religious groups such as the Jehovah's Witnesses provide publications related to end time events.
*Talk to your friends and family about what their views are concerning these things.

-Signs of the Coming Rapture and Tribulation?
Deut. 4:30-32
Joel 3:14-17

Astronomical numbers of people will not take the mark of the beast. (Rev. 6:11, 7:14 and 20:4)

The Church may not be present on the earth until after the Tribulation. The Church will be taken away during the Rapture (if the Rapture occurs pre-trib). I am of the opinion that the Rapture will occur at the end of the Tribulation. But, this is only my opinion and I respect the beliefs of others, and encourage others to share their beliefs with me, so that I may learn and grow spiritually.

Things to Do In Preparation [I unfortunately do not recall where I got this outline]
1. Keep watching (Mathew 24:42)
2. Be ready (Math. 24:44)
3. Keep Serving (Math. 24:44)

John 15:16 Gala 5:22-23

Look up, Keep watching the skies. ;)

Question for readers: What is the age of accountability?

Liber 216

Liber 216
Written December 24th-25th (?) of 2012

     ...I feel the kingdom of God around me. I am experiencing Nirvana, perfect centerdness.

     Dec. 25...The Birth of Christ. The Dawn of a new age.

     December 21st, 2012 started the beginning (?) of the apocalypse. ... 24th is the End of the World per some people and allegedly a Mayan date. This is the eve of our world going into the age of Aquarius. The old world needed to be destroyed. It has bad karma to burn. We are in a transition period. Tonight we celebrate the eve of the birth of a new age.

     Emanuel='God is With Us'

     This coming year will be an unlucky year for the bad people of the world.

     The Left Behind movie will broadcast on Thursday... I believe that a majority (if not all) people will be saved post-rapture.

     What color (race) was Jesus? Any one you want him to be. Does it matter? Was he not Hebrew?

     Luke Chapter 2

     January 2nd- The Day of circumcision. ...

     The Tetragramaton (Name of God) has 216 letters.

     Pi breaks down into a spiral. Within it are patterns. The number pattern in pi is 216.

December 25th, 2012 (1/03/01 A.A.)
12:51 A 0051
Celebration of the Birth of Christ

Happy Birthday Jesus! Happy Birthday Mithra! Happy Birthday Apollo...

Happy Birthday List
 Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ben Joseph)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

To Be Read By Those Left Behing in the Rapture

     This is meant to be read POST Rapture. If you are reading this, then it is assumed that the Rapture has happened and you were left behind. What is the Rapture? Some Christian Theologians believe in an event commonly called "the Rapture", when Christ will return to take his flock with him back to Heaven. When this will occur is not clear. Some believe that it will occur prior to the Tribulation, some believe in the middle of it, while others theorise an end of tribulation Rapture (I myself lean towards this philosophy). What the event will "look like" I am not certain. I don't know if people will disappear or float up into the sky or what. Maybe you have seen this with your own eyes and were not taken. It may not be too late to be saved. If you have not been saved (and I imagine you aren't if you are still here), then study various scriptures and ask God to save and guide you. Commit yourself entirely to the Will of God.

     I believe (and hope) that I have been ruptured. If not, then I will have to entirely change the message of this blog and my testimony. But, I believe my soul is saved and I will be taken to Heaven. I don't know if my views and belief about the Rapture and the End of Days are accurate. This is all a culmination of my own experiences and beliefs that I have come to, based off of my own research and study. Likewise, you should do your own research and come to your own conclusion. But, please feel free to use this as a guide.

     Again, I will reiterate that if you have witnessed the  mass disappearance, pray to be forgiven and be changed in the love of God. Ask to feel that love and to know the truth. You will know in your heart what is true. Ask that you be a tool to carry out God's will and be used to bring others to the same experience. Submit yourself to God's Will. I few years ago I was a heavy skeptic with almost zero faith. Through experiences that I have had, I truly believe in and know God. God has revealed itself to me in a certain way, and I have come to feel and know his love. I do not regret giving up my old way of life and giving in to God. Follow the Holy Spirit in your heart and it will guide you. It will reveal Truth to you. You may feel warmth or tingling around your heart and in your chest. People have differing experiences with this, but they usually involve a welcome warm burning in the chest and at times a full body euphoria. The warmth is the presence of the Holy Spirit and the Love of God making itself known. I have felt it many times, and nothing compares to it. It is being in love with God. Study the scriptures. Ask for Divine guidance and wisdom and ask to be led by him into the path of salvation.

I hope that I will see you again in Heaven. You have dark days ahead of you, if the tribulation has not completed. The Anti-Christ, world war, and various plagues. Don't loose faith, but whatever happens, and no matter how bad things are, love and believe and have faith in God.

Best wishes,

Wars and Rumors of Wars (With North Korea)

     If you have been paying attention to current events, you have noticed that North  Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) have been in the news a lot lately. It seems the new young dictator Kim Jong Eun has been flexing his muscles at the world. The only logical result will end up bad for me. In recent days he has made numerous threats towards South Korea (Republic of Korea), Japan (Nippon), South Korea (Republic of Korea) and the U.S., including threats of using nuclear warfare. He has backed his claims up by positioning ballistic missiles on the east coast (presumably aimed at Guam and Japan) and put them into a ready to fire position. At this time, he has not followed up on his threats (and I doubt he will considering the Pacific forces that America has placed in the area as a retaliatory strike group). North Korea has a long record of making empty threats. Could Kim Jong Eun be crazier than his father, and actually go through with it? Maybe. He has taken the issue farther then his predecessors. Anti-missile batterys have been placed in Guam to shoot down any missiles that threaten the U.S. or her allies. I realize reporters are to report objectively, but it is my opinion that something needs to be done by the west again Korea, to punish them for making an already volatile situation, hot.

     April 15th is the most likely date for the North to carry out a launch. April 15th is the birth anniversary of the North Korean Santa Claus and nation founder, "Eternal President" Kim Il-Sung. It is the one day a year that children get to eat meat.

War of Justice Is Way for Durable Peace on Korean Peninsula: Newspaper

"Rodong Sinmun Thursday says this in a bylined article. ....
...The above-said joint military exercises are a product of the U.S. policy of aggression on the DPRK and of the south Korean puppet forces' ambition to invade it, pursuant to the U.S. policy. This is the final phase of the dangerous war racket which has been systematically escalated with the seed of a nuclear war.
Their war racket is an extremely reckless act of bringing dangerous nuclear holocaust to the Korean Peninsula and the rest of Asia and the world.
The DPRK has made every possible effort to improve the inter-Korean relations and achieve peace and reunification of the country. However, there is a limit to the patience of the DPRK.
Its final conclusion is that fire and strength should be countered in kind."

North Korea At Brink of War:

World War III?

KCNA Warns the South Against Hacking:


Quotes from President Monson of the LDS Church

Quotes from President Monson of the LDS Church
  • If we do not have a deep foundation of faith and a solid testimony of truth, we may have difficulty withstanding the harsh storms and icy winds of adversity which inevitably come to each of us.
  • ...we must face challenges and difficulties. These can break us, and the surface of our souls may crack and crumble-that is, if our foundations of faith, our testimonies of truth are not embedded in us.
  • Patience may be required as we watch, wait, and work for a promised blessing to be fulfilled.
  • Remember that you do not walk alone.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fulfilled prophecy and Current Events

Dear Readers, (not to be confused with Dear Leader)

     This is interesting. While going about my daily Internet searching I came across what appears to be the early attempts of forming a one world religion by request of the United Nations (the beast?). Hmmm. I am always skeptical of whatever it is that the U.N. is doing. But, then again, some call me paranoid. I have noticed that in the past few months (beginning around October of last year- at least that is when I started noticing) there seemed to be a boost in the number of people turning to spirituality. I saw more people around me having significant spiritual experiences, conversions, baptism, etc. Even supernatural experiences. There was also the opposite happening in others as well. Violence, loss of faith, general rudeness seemed to worsen suddenly. It was as if the world unknowingly chose sides...between good  and evil. Whatever was in your heart was magnified. Whether it was love, or nastiness-it got stronger. But, by the mercy and grace of God was I called to salvation and service, of which I am eternally grateful. And of course, there was also a lot of people who didn't have such an experience. If you suddenly and dramatically found God/dess within the last few months please email me and share your experience with me. If you would like it reproduced to be posted on this blog, please let me know what I am able to share. Otherwise I will keep our correspondence confidential.

     In March we saw a plague of locusts in Israel during the pass over, that came out of Egypt (where the Hebrews came from to Israel-what the passover is celebrated for). I have also noticed some of my own predictions being fulfilled. The following comes from Book of the Apocalypse, which I wrote on 12/14/2012 and published to my blog on the 8th of April of 2013.
"There shall be storms, earth shocks, plagues, the eruption of volcanoes and a restless sea. From the heavens debris will fall in the form of meteors" (I:1.). While it is true that these things have been going on since the beginning of Earth's history, what makes current events different is that many of these things are happening at the same time and previously unseen severity.
Storms: Nor'easters (, Storm in the Mid West, are a couple of examples.
Plagues: Harsh Flu Season 2012-2013, outbreak in Saudi Arabia and U.K. of a SARS-like Virus, Current outbreak of bird flu in China, as well as food born illness outbreaks and other epidemics. In Norman we seem to be going through an outbreak of Pneumonia. You can hardly go anywhere without hearing people coughing and hacking. In fact I heard coughing and someone blow their nose as I typed that. I have had a sore throat for a couple of days not and think I may be coming down with something. But, the cough and cold medicine I am taking, has helped out a lot.
Earth Shocks: April 9th 6.3M earthquake in Iran, 7.1M earthquake off the coast of Indonesia, China, Korea and Russia struck by 6.2M earthquake.
Volcanic Eruptions: Volcanic activity occurring in several places this year.
Meteors: February of this year brought the infamous meteor explosion that occurred over Russia, which was followed by fire balls sightings around the world in the weeks following. Interestingly enough, a state of emergency was declared at ground zero in Russia where an outbreak of Rabies has occurred in the wild life. Other parts of the world are also noticing a rise in Rabies cases in animals.

 "The earth shall shake in many places. Even in some places unaccustomed to such shaking" (I:2). I already covered a few earthquakes above, but an unusual place for quakes to occur would be Wyoming.

" Evil shall increase...Like wise evil shall become common place..." (I:3). A few days ago two men went into a community college in Texas and randomly stabbed people, serial killer, Georgia man holds five Fireman hostage, and a hostage situation occurring in Oklahoma that lead to the suicide of the hostage taker.

"What will happen on the winter solstice of 2012? It's up to the people of the Earth to decide. Everyone will be judged according to their deeds and their lives. Nations will be judged according to their behavior under their appointed rulers, who shall be held accountable for their decisions and decrees. And each will also be rewarded according to their fruits" (I:4). Nothing dramatic happened on that day. But, in retrospect haven't you noticed an increase in bad things happening since around that date? Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook, the flu and the other events of this year.

"Do you want signs? They are everywhere. Look for them, ask for them. If you will only look, you will see them. In the stars, in the news, in the numbers, in dreams and visions-even in the minds of people" (From the 2nd Chapter). Our sun is reaching its 11 year cycle (solar maximum), three bright comets will appear this year (one already is in the sky), and we have had several near earth asteroids in the past few months. Check your dreams. Any interesting dreams that have come true? I know some of mine have. I would love to hear your experiences.

     Again I bring up the point that some people have become better, more spiritually aware people, while others have become worse people than they were before. What about you? A good thing, Pope Francis is pushing for more missions-which will bring more people to God and hopefully draw disadvantaged people under the care of the church. The situation with North Korea is reaching a boiling point drawing the U.S. and North Korea closer to the brink of war than ever before. A missile launch (possibly nuclear tipped) could occur at any moment, though the U.S. has defense plans in place in case we, Japan or South Korea are threatened by the North. I doubt that a war will break out at this time, but I would not be surprised to see military intervention from the west soon. Comrade Kim Jong Un is pushing things way too far. I believe that World War III will include the U.S., the U.K., U.N. China, Japan, both Koreas, the Philippines, Russia and the Middle East. Of course other countries will be involved, but I believe that those will be the major players.

     I believe that the strange things happening on out planet currently (mass animal die offs, outbreaks of strange diseases, unexplained sounds coming from the earth, pot holes, etc.) are signs that the Tribulation is getting closer and closer to us. I believe that God is working signs in order to get people to "wake up" and pay attention. To choose to live spiritual and good lives. There will be more and more strange events as time goes on, but we wont have forever to make a decision, and anyone of us could die at any moment and will it be too late then? If you haven't already, stop and think about it for a day. Sleep on it and see how you feel about it in the morning. Whatever decision you come to, make sure it is an intelligent one that you came to by examining the available evidence.

     Have you taken notice that it seems the Law Enforcement agencies in America and around the world seem to slowly be loosing control over the ever maddening populations? It's no longer a question of "when will civil unrest break out"? It has already begun and it's going to get worse and worse. Slowly at first, but when the ball starts to roll it wont stop until something DRAMATIC is done (Marshall Law/FEMA take over for example). How long before the end? I think it is still at least a few years off. How long? I do not know. But, Jesus says that when you see these things know that the end is not yet, but that it is at the doors. I believe that not only is it at the doors, but it has started knocking. He also says to know that this generation shall not pass until you see the son of man coming in his glory in the clouds. I believe that in our life times we will see the manifestation of God and before that, the rise of the Beast.

     I don't know what your opinion is about these things. Maybe you agree, maybe you disagree...but I would like to hear any honest, respectful and intelligent opinion from you, my reader. A link to email me appears at the top of this article. Thing about these things and any positive changes you need to make in your life. Pray about them, no matter what faith you are. If your not of any faith, maybe it's time to find one. At least try it out. Then get back to me and tell me what you experienced. God bless and have a wonderful day.



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Oklahoma Weather Watch

     I have been watching the weather as I have promised in yesterday's post. It has been cloudy and cool, with humidity. I dreamnt last night about the weather and I don't believe that it will be as bad as predicted. Maybe a brief storm (here in Norman at least) without much else after it. I doubt we will be in danger of tornadoes (again at least for the Norman area). As I have mentioned before I pay close attention to my dreams. At times they seem prophetic or predictive, and have been amazingly accurate. I believe that the gift of revelation is one of my spiritual gifts. Which is really neat since I am a student of prophecy. My own insights have conributed to some of the "books" and predictions I have published on this blog.

     Going back to my idea that today's weather wont be as bad as previousley thought- Michael Armstrong from KWTV News 9 posted the following on his facebook:
"With the faster moving strong cold front, tornadoes are looking less and less likely for OK today. The threat isn't zero and you shouldn't turn your back, but the trends are more toward hail and wind, (which can also cause problems) then freezing rain/sleet tonight." (

     Outside it is cloudy (like I already stated) and ever so often the hot sun breaks through the clouds. Not to imply this means the weather is breaking, but the clouds have went from overcast to broken overcast. There has been no rain as of yet. Mr. Armstrong is predicting freezing rain and sleet (I am getting so tired of the cold and freezing conditions!).

More on our weather forecast:

The current temperature is 76 degrees.

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8th, 2013

Huge Storm System Moves East:

     Here comes some more of that wild weather. Here in Oklahoma we have had some cloud coverage. It looked liked it would rain or maybe storm today, but nothing here in Norman. I always look forward to bad weather. It is so exciting for me, and gets my adrenaline going! Lucky for me, I live in tornado alley. The wonders of nature never cease to amaze me! I said before, that this year would have bad tornado and storm seasons. The meteorologists seem to agree with me. I will keep you updated on the storm situation here.

Margaret Thatcher Has Died:

Anette Funicello Also Has Died:

That is two high profile deaths. We know that these happen in threes. Who will be the third? Maybe we will find out tommorow?

Climate Change May Make Transatlantic Flights More Turbulent:

DPRK Shuts Down Factory In Response to Growing Tensions:

South Korea Believes that North Korea May Test Another Missle This Week:

North Carolina Will NOT Be Establishing It's Own State Religion: (What?!)

Book of the Apocalypse

Written December 14th of 2011

1. There shall be storms, earth shocks, plagues, the eruption of volcanoes and a restless sea. From the heavens debris will fall in the form of meteors.
2. The earth shall shake in many places. Even in some places unaccustomed to such shaking.
3. Evil shall increase, also so shall good. Like wise evil shall become common place, but also so shall love. Armageddon shall be fought in the spirit of people and in their day to day doings. Overcome evil with good, for good will reign triumphant. Be glad for the victory over evil.
4. What will happen on the winter solstice of 2012? It's up to the people of the Earth to decide. Everyone will be judged according to their deeds and their lives. Nations will be judged according to their behavior under their appointed rulers, who shall be held accountable for their decisions and decrees. And each will also be rewarded according to their fruits.
5. The winter solstice-the new baktun will be 12/21/12 at 11:11.

1. Do you want signs? They are everywhere. Look for them, ask for them. If you will only look, you will see them. In the stars, in the news, in the numbers, in dreams and visions-even in the minds of people. Even the animals know what is about to take place.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6th, 2013

     The flu season seems to be winding down here in Oklahoma and the rest of the United States., though it is still sporadic in some places. China has recently had an outbreak of bird flu, and some kind of respiratory infection seems to be going around Norman. I was sick with a mild sore throat last week. I have been lucky this year not to have gotten sick. Usually, I get sick every three years or so. Last year I had a particularly stubborn case of bronchitis that took months to go away. In the tropics the flu spreads year round. I believe that our bad flu virus is coming back again this coming winter and it will be stronger. Nineteen days left until the first lunar eclipse of the year.

     God continues to work in my life. I see what he does for me every day. Miracles happen on a daily basis and I have much to be thankful for. New friends are one of the best gifts that God can give us. God has been taking care of me financially too! Praise God! I know that I am safe and taken care of. I am also cutting back on my smoking habit. Not quite ready to quit. Almost there though. Getting closer to the goal every day. I no longer allow myself to buy a pack of cigarettes, so it will be hard for me to get any. That's is OK with me, because I am doing well with the nicotine cravings, but I still have them from time to time.

     God continues to help me.  The LORD has not failed to keep me. I think of that family (you know you are) and miss them and care for them. I worry about them in these uncertain times. I send my love to them and to you too, dear reader. I continue to be happy and enjoy the bounty that I don't deserve. I give thanks for God's grace, mercy and love.

Other News:
"Anti-Government" Couple kidnaps kids and goes to sea: (

     It is interesting that they had to label the parents as "anti-government". This sounds like the plot of a movie. In fact, I think that it is.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2, 2013 Post

See Earthquakes that Have Happened in the last 24 Hours or Within the Last Seven Days:

United States Navy Recruiting:

     If we are in fact in the end times, the military might be the place to be. Safe employer plus the opportunity to respond to disasters. The military likely will get first dibbs on food and survival necessities and see much of the action (like Armageddon). I am currently working with a Recruiter towards enlistment in the Navy. If I enlist, I hope to be able to get a billet in the medical field or be a Chaplains Assistant or something like that.

A Request to God for Revelation Was Answered

     I said a prayer to God yesterday inquiring about revelation concerning him/she/it. My prayer was answered in a way I had not expected. But, it seems like that's how God works. He likes to pleasantly surprise us. My relationship with God is the most important relationship in my life and I am very close to her/him. You might even say that me and God have a few inside jokes. I will talk more about the answer to my prayer here in a moment. I live in Norman, Oklahoma where the weather is quite biblical. Yesterday was warm. Today it is cool and rainy. I made a new friend yesterday. We will call him 'Al'. I mention him because I believe I was meant to meet him. At various times in my life, I have bumped into just the right people, at just the right time; and the reason I bring him up is because I believe he was an answer to my earlier prayer.

     He is a great conversationalist and a great person. Both qualities can be difficult to find in people, so when I meet such  people I try to keep them in my contacts. I ended up staying the night at his house and left this morning to trek to the library where I am typing this. How was he an answer to my prayer? Well, because I believe God put me in contact with him so I would not be lonely last night (I didn't even realize I needed the companionship until I had it), and I was without worry about other things that had been on my mind. All in all, I  believe that it was God saying "Brian, I am here with you always, and I will always take care of you. I will never forsake you or forget you. I hear all your prayers. You are never alone. When you need it, I will provide it for you. Don't worry because if you take the steps I will guide you and bring you to your destination".

     I truly believe that if we "let go and let God" and trust in him, we have nothing to worry about... Ever. That's a hard concept to get people to understand. We live in perilous times and society seems to condition us to exist in a perpetual state of anxiety and worry. But fear, is just fear for fear's sake. I believe that we all have a place in the divine plan, and that if we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit within us, we will never be without what we need. But in order to get those things we have to ask and trust God to give them to us, but if we don't get them-then I guess we really didn't need them after all. Be blessed!