II Apocalypse
Written April 15-16, 2013
1.The sky has went from clear to cloudy. It may rain, it may storm. The sun gives a golden hue to the cloud mountain tops as it sets in the west.
2. What if tomorrow is the day written of in the Hadith? When Allah denies the sun, its passage back to the east, and instead the sun must rise from the direction it has retired? The day the Beast rises from the dessert in the desert. Only time will tell.
3. Today is April 15th 1 A.A. (2013). The Day of the Sun, The Day of the Explosions, the day of the terror in Boston. As Shawna says-it reflects the times we live in.
1. 9:02 PM CST- Just starting to feel centered. The clouds have gathered some and storms to the east. Storms popping up. Rain storms may be possible here.
2. I believe that the Tribulation is soon. We are in the last days, however we may still have a s long as 30 years left...or ten. I believe that I will see the End in my life time...or I could be totally wrong (as I have been before). I believe that we are living in an apocalyptic age at least. This is what I have been chronicling about.
3. The Kingdom of God is not just above us, it is also withing us. That is important to realise and remember. It is also around us. Nirvana is achievable within yourself. Look inside yourself to find the Kingdom, enlightenment and even God.
4. It has been suggested to me by Eva, to download "On My Own". Apparently it applies to my current situation.
5. Today marks the 101st anniversary of the birth of the Great Leader Kim Il Sung. No nuclear war started today. No missiles fired from the DPRK (to my knowledge anyway).
6. Were the Boston attacks, done be a revolutionary American, wanting to trigger chaos? Warring against his own country? I have said that these types of events are to be expected, and will occur with more frequencey as the U.S. and world governments slowly loose their grip of control over their populations. Were Islamic extremists involved? Could it have been North Korea?
7. When you have God, you are never alone. Loneliness never needs to apply in your life.
8. The situation in North Korea will soon be solved by the West. Kim Jong Un will be the last dictator of the DPRK. There will be revolution and power struggle there, after the collapse of the regime.
9. ... [More events to occur in America soon]
10. I am finding more evidence of my belief about a sudden spiritual shift in people centered around 12/21/12.
11. We are living in the Apocalypse.
12. The weather patterns this year are going to be bizarre.
13. God puts people in our lives to lead and teach us. Who leads you? Who teaches you? Who do
you lead and teach? Be conscious of that.
14. A Potentate is a person who has an almost universal amount of political power.
15. The sun has now set. What awaits us tonight? Tomorrow? Tomorrow is a new day. We recently had a new moon. Let us hope for better days ahead and positive changes.
16. The violence that I previously warned about, is now, and has been taking effect. It has been going steady for the past few months, and will increase in its influence. You will see people behave in ways that you couldn't imagine a human would willingly behave. The Boston bombings just highlight my warning. But fret not, for the world has much chaff to burn. Better, brighter, more beautiful days will follow these dark times. It is not a time to be in fear, but to rejoice for the earth is being cleansed. Things are being prepared for a coming utopia which is right around the corner and closer than you can imagine! The time for the destruction of the old world and the old ways of doing things, has arrived! It is about to be time to make things new!
1. Go out and help your fellow man. These are hard times we live in. Give to each other what you can. In times of disaster that is where you should be, out helping other people. Spread love and wisdom wherever you go. That is how to live in these times!
2. Jesus (Yeshuah) had the name 'Jesus' even before he was born. It was the name he went by in his pre-existence, when he was the Word. Before his incarnation in the flesh.
3. 2013 will be a bad year. It will be a dark and terrible year. It will be infamous. It is associated with the number 13. However it will be a good year for many (including myself), but bad and terrible for others. Woe! Unto them who are preoccupied by earthly and evil things, All material things shall pass and be destroyed, but the Spirit always remains.
4. The amount of injured in Boston is over 140 with 3 dead. May God be with those whom died, and may he be with those who survived and may he be with everyone who has been affected by this unfortunate event. J. shared with me her testimony yesterday. She found god in
5. I wonder what the statistics are on new found faith around that time.
1. What is the nature of God? Does anyone know? God is unknowable in Its completeness.
2. But God will let you experience him. He will reveal himself to you if you ask him to. God is so much greater than the universe, you can't even imagine. God is always with you-forever beside you and he will never leave you without.
3. God is Love. God is Mercy.
4, God is quick to forgive and slow to want to punish.
V. The Birth of Christ
1. On a date that has since been forgotten, was born to a virgin woman, a special child.
2. (I sit here on Oklahoma University campus...as I write this. It really sets the atmosphere for writing, honestly. Maybe, it will even open me up to a social connection. I enjoy meeting people and talking to people. Norman is a great town to meet a variety of different types of people. Norman is it's own society.)
3. A star appeared in the east. The direction from which the sun rises. Was it a star? A comet? A super-nova? No one remembers.
4. To the world a child was born, and that child was named Jesus Emanuel. Jesus was the name he held, even before his birth.
Yeshua Ha-Mashiach. Jesus is the Messiah.
5. The infant Jesus has been visited by a group of wisemen. How many wise men no one remembers. But they brought him three gifts.
6. His mother was Mary. Mary the Mother of the son of God. To whom was visited the Holy Spirit in her chastity and purity. Mary is the mother of mothers. Jesus was her first born. She gave him brothers, who were born after him.
7. And in the last days it will be like it was at the birth of this man. The sign of Christ shall appear in the eastern sky. When you see that sign, know that the conclusion of this aeon has arrived.
1. At some point it became April 16th, 2013. No mushroom clouds over American cities. No missile attacks. The Korean missile crisis is over by my score. They have demonstrated that they are mostly bark with little bite. They played chicken with the west and the west won.
2. [Image of a spiral]
3. Do you want to knot about God? Meditate on pi. Let he who has wisdom calculate pi. It is a spiral. Forever spiraling creation. The eternal cycle of all things.
4. The current time is 4:30 A. It is the 16th of April. Today is a new beginning. It is a new day. New days bring the opportunity for better things, a time to refresh and start anew.
5. All praise due to God! Allahu-Abah! Allahu Akbar! Hallelujah! Glory to the Greatest Name!
6. This concludes the text entitled
II Apocalypse.