Friday, March 8, 2013

A Grey Day Weather Meditation

     The weather outside is cool and hints of rainy weather. I think back on days in my youth, when the smell of ozone and the sound of thunder would excite me. Residents of Oklahoma are very familiar with thunder storms and tornadoes and the adrenaline rush that some of us 'storm wraiths' get from it. I know that the feeling seems to recharge my battery and immediatley uplift my mood. Yes, I have to admit that I look forward to tornado season, and the coming seasons will be no different. With the climate change and the super storms we have seen in recent years, I cant help but wonder in amazement, at just what mother nature has in store for my area in the coming months. Just last year we had a tornado touch down in Norman. The klaxons didn't even sound until it had been on the ground for three minutes! It seemed to come out of nowhere, which is typical for tornadoes. How exciting that was for me. The sense of danger! The carelessness of standing outside while it rained and hailed hoping to get a glimpse at the awesome power of nature. Dont follow my example though, it wouldn't be safe.

     We are in March now and you can tell that warmer weather will be arriving soon. Couldn't come soon enough in my opinion. I have grown weary of this cold weather. How many snow storms have we had this winter alone? How many false alarms too? As we approach spring, I wonder what super-storms we will get here (and else where). One cant help but ask themselves if the United States hasnt been some kind of target for an angry earth mother. I think these storms will just get stronger and more common place. But, like always-I will make every moment a good one, and will look forward to seeing the greatest show on earth, courtesy of God. Oh yes...these are exciting times to be alive!

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