Friday, March 1, 2013

Apocryphal Book 033

Apocryphal Book 033
Written in winter of 2012

1. ...
2. My two angels have just departed to my regret. Their presence is one of the greatest blessings I have known.
3. I need to try to quit smoking again. Or at least cut back. I think this as I smoke a whole leaf tobacco cigarette.

1. Very soon the U.S. Dollar will be worthless. Currency will be useless. The rich will become poor and the poor to become rich. The low will become high, and the high become low. The last will become first and the first to become last. This is the end of the 13th baktun. The beggining of the 5th world. The destruction of the 4th. ...
2. Contemplate "033", this is the number of a sacrament.
3. There will soon be a breakdown of the world's societies. War will be wide spread. Ares will have his time. The horse of war and the rider Chaos will soon reside for a time. And at this time a plague. A great many shall perish. Supernatural events will become common place. There will come prophets and seers; people will dream dreams of things that are happening. Even now these things are beggining.
4. America is nearing its end. But, all this dying and passing away of things must happen before everything can be made anew.

1 comment:

  1. 1:3- Several attempts to quit smoking have been fruitless. Tommorow begins a Bahai time of fasting, at which I will restrain myself from smoking during the day light hours. This is the next step in my quit smoking regimen.
