Friday, December 5, 2014

My Worst Post Yet

     I have had a great last few days hanging out with a couple of friends until it ended in nightmarish heart ache. Especially S.P. whom I always have a great time with and look forward to seeing her whenever she feels like spending time with me, except maybe I had illusions about what our "relationship" meant. I had my heart played with and tossed around and this happens too much to me. And on top of that my other "friend" asks me if he can be with her since it didn't work out between me and her. What kind of a friend asks that? Why do I seem to let shitty people gravitate into my life? I am such a stupid idiot I trust people and try to help them and they step on me and break me down. Well I am starting to hate people way to much. Finding motivation to show them love anymore is really becoming a challenge and it seems like I am using every ounce of my strength from giving in to hate and hurting them.

    At the moment I am spending the evening with a young lady whom seems to appreciate me, but I won' entertain false ideas. It's just a matter of time before she sleeps with one of my friend or stabs me in the back. I have been so tested lately that I don't even feel safe being alone anymore.

Another Earthquake in Oklahoma:

'Eerie Quiet' At Cascadia Faults in Nevada. Recent tremors:

Olivet Students To Spend Winter Break Helping After the 2003 Tornado that Nearly Destroyed Moore, OK:

WHO Declares Ebola Outbreak in Spain 'Over':

CDC Sends Out Apology Because This Year's Vaccine Doesn't Work:

'Call Upon Your Gods' Music Video by Dark Lotus:

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Reminiscing on the eve of the 13th Baktun and a Major Change In My Life For the Positive

     A lot has been going on. ISIS is growing to be a world threat and Obama is sending military assistance to stop them. Ebola is out of control and as many as 500,000 people may end up with the virus. If the virus goes air borne then the risk of at least one million lives could become a reality. Higher estimates are at 5 million. I myself don't believe it will become air borne. Now don't quote me on that, but I don't see how the virus could benefit from evolving into such a virulent strain. It would endanger itself by wiping out its food source (us) quickly and burning itself out. In the states we are experiencing an outbreak of Enterovirus 68, which has been detected in 22 states and threatens the lives of children, especially those with respiratory problems such as asthma. It is not such a threat to adults, since they have probably had the opportunity to build up antibodies from infections of similar viruses, causing a sort of cross immunity.

Close Encounters (as in with Aliens)

     Now, I myself, don't believe that ETs have come down here and abducted people (if they have, I don't think they have done it as much as people would like to think). Perhaps they did help us in the past with the pyramids and all that new age stuff. But, for here I will provide a brief introductory description of the types of encounters that people have described.

Close Encounter (CE) of the 1st Kind- Someone has seen a UFO in close proximity.

CE2- A UFO  has left evidence of its presence. For example radioactive contamination, ship parts, or damage to the area.

CE3- Someone has had visual contact with an alien being itself.

CE4- Someone has been physically abducted (and probably had their pooper probed. How fun!

Alicia Keys; "Obamas On Fire" (?!)

Alicia Keys Scary Foreshadowing Song

Some Q&A

What age is the "cut off" for being "guaranteed" to be taken in the rapture? (I.E. What is the age of accountability/innocence.

Well for one, I am not a believer in the Rapture. It is not scriptural. But, since people ask this question I will try and provide an answer. In my opinion the age of "innocence" ends with puberty, because before that age children are focused on playing and making friends and are generally wonderful people, but with adolescence comes hormones and lustful thoughts and rebellious behavior. I don't think there would be one specific age. It would be different for each person depending on their physical, psychological and spiritual development.

Will people have an "internal portent" of the coming eschaton?

I believe that they will. Some anyway. Those that the Holy Spirit wills to. In the Bible, it says that in the last days people will have dreams and visions and some will prophecy. I think that the closer we get to the "end" (I actually don't believe in an "end", but rather a "phase" that we have gone through before and will again). In October of 2012 I  began to have significant spiritual experiences and insights that proved to be accurate (I gave several predictions) and discovered others having similar and at times identical experiences. There seemed to be some kind of spiritual reawakening at the time in certain people, while others seemed to become darker. It was light there was a spiritual Armageddon occurring in everyone and some people won through the light in them and others lost and gave in to the darkness.

The feelings and "visions" that I had made me wonder if the coming 12-21-12 would be significant. I believe that it was in the sense that it marked the beginning of an apocalyptic era that we are now witnessing. Even though I consider it to be a "marker", I think that we began to slip into that epoch long ago. Maybe as long as 2,000 years ago (Jesus's apostles certainly believed that they were living in the last days). We have been in the "last days" for centuries!

I continue to study spirituality and shamanism and have not retained those strong influences that I did. They went away some over time. I believe it was because I changed from being a dark person and embraced the light and found the Baha'i Faith. I no longer needed the constant awareness of the Holy Spirit to have faith. Through my own experiences and synchronicity I saw the evidence for myself that God was very active in my life and at times communicated to me through my day to day experiences.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Something Stirring in the Weeds...

     I have been getting continued insights into personal matters as well as spiritual. I still notice synchronicity abounding around me. All the right things, happening at the right times. I have been watching the situation in Iraq with ISIS and I feel like something is stirring in the weeds. It smells of coming war and boots on the ground. I think we will be going back to the middle east very soon. And maybe for the last time? The world situation is coming to a head and at some point something is going to give. These days we are in are ever more exciting, yet ever more dangerous than many other periods of history with the exception of a few. This month marks the 100 year anniversary of the outbreak of World War I...the "War to end all wars". wrongly named since it seems that war has only become more scientific and for the first time since mankind first stepped foot on this planet-we have the ability to destroys ourselves and everything around us in the space of half-an-hour. But, I am not so pessimistic. In fact I am quite the optimist. You see, I believe that we Humans have a "survival trip" wired into us. We can not 'self terminate'. Though we may approach midnight, I believe that there will always be some hero somewhere that will deliver us at the last hour. Make of that what you will, but history is ripe with evidence for it.


The Book of Eternity

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Purge is Coming to Oklahoma

     Met a new interest. Been working. Nothing dramatic otherwise going on my life. We had a 4.3 quake near Guthrie the other day, the two Americans hospitalized with Ebola in Atlanta have recovered. Civil unrest continues in Missouri over the murder of a black teen by a white officer. And a Satanic group in Oklahoma has come under fire for stealing a Eucharist wafer from a Catholic Church to be used in a Satanic Mass next month. The wafer has been returned and the Satanic Mass continues to be scheduled for September 21st at the Cox Center in Oklahoma City. I know an individual who may still be active with the group. I have not spoken to him in a couple of years however. There have also apparently been concerns regarding warning of "real life Purges" (inspired by the movie of the same name) that may be in the process of being set up around the country. I am actually quite excited to see what develops from that.

Coming to a Town Near You: The Real Life Purge
     I for one am interested in the Purge allegedly scheduled on august 30th-31st. I will be ready (and inside).

No Mames
     'No Mames' is a brand of synthetic marijuana that can be purchased in Oklahoma City in several grams. There are many products like it and it contains a synthetic chemical that mimics (but is much stronger than) THC. Effects include confusion, extreme appetite, anxiety and anxiety attacks or feelings of death, impending doom and terror. The product is likely to be toxic and dangerous and is not suggested for casual consumption. The smoking blend is sold as a potpourri since it is technically illegal to be smoked. Similar products have been known to cause death, hallucinations, vomiting and other toxic symptoms not typically experienced when using Marijuana. One user described his bad trip as feeling like he was dead or dying and fighting to stay alive. He was also unaware of his surrounding and entered a state of consciousness that robbed him of his understanding or even awareness of the real world, to the point where he believes that he experienced ego death.

A Brief Map of the Theoverse
     "Below" this dimension are darker dimensions, farther and farther away from the presence of God, eventually taking one all the way to Hell. We are presently on the earth in this Universe made up of physical matter and other substances that have been catalogued in the annals of science. Above us are the heavens (both literal and symbolic) which consist of our atmosphere, solar system and the stars and celestial bodies outside of our galactic region. Spiritually is you go "higher" you grow closer to the presence and attachment of God's love. Otherwise you are traveling to other places within our physical universe which is also composed of other dimensions beyond our ability to see them in this form. "Above" us are multiple layers of realities each one getting closer to the Celestial kingdom of God and the Lote Tree of which there is no passage. Among each "level" there are also parallel worlds that can be accessed through a manner of things of which wont be listed here. That is the detail for another article. The form of the Theoverse is likely not layered like the floors of a building, but rather as a spiral with lateral spirals branching off from each world. It is likely a universal form similar to the Inferno in Dante's 'The Divine Comedy'.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

     Let me apologize for falling behind in my posts. I just haven't had the motivation to write on here. In fact I have been considering abandoning my blog al together. In the past 30 days Oklahoma has had approximately 86 earthquakes. Kansas has felt the quakes in some instances. Robin Williams died yesterday from apparent suicide. He was 62. The death toll of the Ebola epidemic has just peaked at over 1,000. In some places bodies are being dumped into the streets. Ebola has a small likelihood of spreading in developed nations. Close contact and exposure to bodily fluids Is needed to spread the NON airborne virus. Family members and care takers are those most at risk of getting the infection. Some medical centers in Africa have been decimated due to the non-socomial infection. Today I was supposed to do some work for someone, but I didn't not get up early enough, so I haven't heard back from them. I chose not to get up early for two reasons. 1. I didn't know exactly what time I should have gotten up. 2. I have sleep problems, so when I am able to sleep I try to. Otherwise I may not sleep at all.

     A new 'Terminator' is in the works to be released, leaving me to wonder is the Antichrist going to be a real life Skynet? If you remember the symbol of Skynet being three pyramids forming a great pyramid, you may remember what I previously mentioned from seeing such a symbol in a dream (Pyramid of the Apocalypse/Antichrist). I have continued to see that image in dreams and in the world around me, though I have not had much insight to what it might mean-if anything. It is likely to have been a random dream image that I have mythologized into my own path. But, because of my belief in synchronicity, I continue to study the meaning of the image in case my subconscious is trying to tell me something. I also notice 11:11 continues to pop up. Noticing the time for example, or 12:23 on the clock (0023).

The Great White Brotherhood (mystical NOT racist group and not the cult)

     The GWB has been memorialized by many occult groups including Theosophy. It is said that certain enlightened people such as Jesus belonged to this group and the group can be compared to a "good" Illuminati. The reference to "Great White" is spiritual purity, not racial basis. The perceived goal of this group is to awaken the divinity within each person. Branches of this organization have been established throughout history and throughout the world. Old occult paths and tradition have branched off from this order. One of the goals of the group is to forward the "Divine Plan", which is the plan of God for the world and mankind. This plan includes the spiritual and intellectual development of mankind and society through religious and occult philosophy. They are also responsible for establishing mystical schools of thought (i.e. Rosicrucians, Greek Mystery Schools, Golden Dawn, etc.).  Some members of the brotherhood are alleged to include various Saints, Buddha and other enlightened and humanitarian beings (Baha'u'llah?). The ways that the GWB have changes mankind include humanitarian and spiritual goals, the betterment of life for all living beings and the attainment of spiritual wisdom through mystical practices. Another important figure in their philosophy is the Archangel Michael.

Friday, August 8, 2014

First Blood Moon Prophecy Fulfilled!

     I have moved into a new apartment as my previous posts have forewarned. I haven't posted in awhile, just because I haven't been interested in it. I like to think that I would keep up on this blog, but I don't seem to have any interested readers. But, perhaps one day I will. The only reason I continue to keep it up, is to have a record of my ideas and thoughts for an eventual book. Even if no one ever reads this, at least it is in cyber space somewhere. I am sure the NSA might be the only ones taking a look at this. NSA: If you're reading this, at least leave me some comments after each post to let me know what you think. Some constructive criticism is helpful.

     Twin hurricanes have targeted Hawaii and a 4.5 earthquake occurred just off the coast of the state, yesterday morning. The Ebola outbreak has been called the worst Ebola epidemic in history. Deaths have approached nearly 1,000 and locations of the outbreak are reporting social conditions similar to what was seen during the Black Death. China has also had a large earthquake with hundreds of dead and at least 100 people missing. We had the first of four blood moons in April, which coincided with the break up with peace talks between Israel and Palestine and now we are witnessing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, which has been controversial for Israel. I believe that these events are fulfillment of the first blood moon. We can expect the next one on October 8th of this year. Oklahoma continues to have an alarming uptick in earthquakes primarily in the central part of the state. I felt a 3.9 a few weeks ago.

     I am in need of a Dentist and some basic medical care, but have not been able to get it. I cant afford Obama Care (which is some how "free", yet only with payment). BTW: I can NEVER drink alcohol. Never ever ever never. Don't ask why. I can't get into it here. Besides, it's technically against my religion anyway...but then again who's perfect? YOU-Hah! Hardly ;). I should also not be given skunks, by preference.

Nicotine Patches and Dreams:
I have had experiences with nicotine patches and wearing them at night. They seem to bring me vivid dreams and occasionally make it hard for me to sleep sometimes. I have never felt sick from it. I haven't used a patch in a long time. I currently use an electronic cigarette. I wish I could remember my dream last night, but I think it had to do with the lonliness I have been feeling lately. I vaguely remember being attracted to someone in the dream. I dream often of ladies, but am not much lucky in dating. Even when I do date, it's rarely ever good. I have had only ONE real relationship in my life and am already ready to quit the scene. I feel too old for dating these days. That's just for me.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Small Quakes and Scattered Storms and Corporate Beasts

     There have been several small quakes today north of the OKC metro. Idaho and Ohio also have been having quakes. Today is muggy and cloudy with some chance of scattered storms, but I don't think my area will be affected. We seem to only be "blessed" with hot humidity and merciless sun. The kids in Oklahoma are out of school for summer break.

      Could Diamondback (and other corporate enterprises) be a part of the Beast? Privatizing national security place it in direct control of the Anti-Christ. But, if the AC does exist, I think that he likely more of a political entity rather than a corporate one. Though corporations would likely end up under his control (as they are in North Korea-under the control of the Party).

Phone Number for Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis: 1-888-673-6700. I have tried calling numerous times without getting through. I am not as much of a listener these days as I used to be, but I like to think that one day I will get on-the-air and speak to Clyde.


Transition House (Norman, OK)

Transition House in Norman, Oklahoma

     This is a short post regarding a place in Norman, Oklahoma called Transition House (Homepage: It is a place that helps people with mental health problems that are in recovery. It has done a lot to support its clients and has an exceptional staff. I encourage you, if you are able, to provide support in whatever way you can to Transition House. TH has done a wonderful job helping those in recovery. Please visit the website posted above and share the link. Please share this post as well too! Get as much support as possible for the organization!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Missing a Certain Someone

     I saw someone today who is very special to me. We did not speak as there is no reason too even though I wanted. This person may not be who you think. And you probably don't understand how I feel about the person as my feelings may not be what you think. Lots of synchronicity is surrounding her at this time. I wont get into those details as there is no real reason. The message is for me and not to be necessarily shared to the public as you wont understand it. This individual was like a daughter to me, whom I loved as a daughter, but do to life circumstances I am no longer involved with the family, though I think of them often and pray for them often. I hope to have kids just like those two, and a daughter just like her. I hope to one day have a happy family filled with love. It is one of my biggest dreams and yet so simple, but I know it will make me happy. No matter what the situation, I will always be happy if I have kids who  love me and I can love back and a companion to be a great parent with whom I can share unconditional love. God will grant me this if it be His will. Until then, His will be done.


     The whore of Babylon seems to cross correspond to the Bride of Christ. The Bride of Christ is the Church. The Whore is the Satanic Church.

     I am getting hungry as I sit here. In just under half-an-hour I am going back home to eat some pizza and an asiago cheese bagel. I may or may not get some soda later. I know this bores you, but these are my thoughts and this is my blog so I write what I want! I have spent today looking for apartments and calling apartments and have at least one possible choice that I am going to pursue. I need to give Sam and my Mom a call too to square away some business. I have some DVDs at home to watch. One particular one seems interesting. I obsessed over Silent Hill: Revelation. I must have watched it ten times over the period of one week. I love Silent Hill. This Saturday in Norman is n event called 'June Bug Jam'. Check it out if you are in the area.

     In Oklahoma unemployment is as bad as other parts of the country, but it is near impossible for me to find a good job. Someone out there help me! I haven't even had interviews lately. I just get rejections every where I go. Everything I have I have acquired through my own efforts and the Grace of God. None through society or the government. It is very frustration, disheartening and is making me bitter, but I keep the light inside me burning to fight the corruption around me.

My Forecast:
* 2.5-3.5 earth quakes for Oklahoma over the next few days.
* Hot and muggy weather for the next few days. Some chance of storms. Humidity through the roof.
* I will soon have established an apartment to move into.
* I may host the Baha'i 19-day feast later this month.
* Mars will continue to be bright in the sky. Take a peak at it if you can. Its the big red "star" in the night sky.
* Large earthquake in the near future in the south west Pacific.

     There has been a high school shooting in Oregon. Two people dead including the shooter who may have shot him/her self.

My Failed Earthquake Prediction

     I recently made a prediction that failed. I made the prediction for last Thursday/Friday regarding a 3.5-3.9 earthquake occurring NE of the Oklahoma Metro area. There was no quakes for that are on the designated time. I was basing this on quake data and patterns, but my formula was dead wrong. That's OK. Back to the drawing board. No harm. Better try and fail and risk success, then never trying and failing by choice. I was planning to soon move into a new apartment, but that may not be happening now! So I am frantically trying to find an apartment ASAP. One bedroom in Norman in the 500 dollar range. I have had a few leads that I am currently pursuing. It is currently June (where is the year going?!) and October fast approaches. This October will be the third anniversary of my spiritual awakening via the Holy Spirit. Last October I had another series of similar experiences that were similar to that one though not as vivid, but still life altering. Last Saturday I attended services at the Greek Orthodox Church in Norman and again had some visual and sacred experiences that if I got into here, you would think I was crazy, so I will leave it at that. Joseph Smith Jr. also had three consecutive spiritual visions when he began his "ministry". I encourage my readers to seek out such experiences in accordance with their own beliefs. It is a great learning opportunity to grow spiritually.

     There has been a shooting today in Oregon (?) and a 3.0 quake this morning in Edmond.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Article Review for the Gospel of Judas

     Storms possible for the OKC metro tonight with possible rain in the morning. I was wrong the other day when I though there would be a tornado outbreak. Maybe one ot two that day, but I doubt it was an outbreak. Quakes continuing as normal, but activity record breakingly high. Today was warm and very windy...this post must be so boring for you to read. It's all dry and boring like the most bare weather report. I don't have much about my personal life at the moment, but that can be a good thing. No news means everything is going steady. No sudden changes to adapt to.

     I have just finished reading The Gospel of Judas. I'm not sure what my opinion of it is. It seems to be as reliable at the other NT Canon, but teaches a whole different thing than the orthoxic scriptures. It should be appreciated for what it is however- a literary work of theological philosophy left up to the interpreter to contemplate for themselves. What I can say is this-I gained a lot from reading the document. I do feel that Judas's side of story should be considered for whatever it's worth. And it might worth as much as Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.

     I always harp on looking for synchronicity in your life. Even if you don't believe in it, what's the harm? You just might have fun, and learn something too. Maybe even discover your Higher Power if you haven't already done so, or gain an interesting experience with the laws of physics itself.  

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Attention Seeking Behavior in Children

     Oklahoma is currently under an earthquake warning issued by USGS and Oklahoma Geological Survey. Bad storms have hit this region of the country and are expected to return today or tomorrow.

     How does one deal with a child that is a disciplinary problem or seeks attention? I am no parent, but I have taken care of children and teenagers and adults and the elderly. When they act out try giving them the attention they are seeking. Perhaps their attention seeking behavior will cease if you spend a little time with them. They want love. Show them love and non-judgemental acceptance. I have found that this always works for me. I understand all kids are unique and all situations aren't necessarily remedied the same way however. Try this and see what lind of reults you get-you may be suprised. It even works on grown-ups too!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Death in the Family

     I have developed a dental abcess in the back of my mouth on the lower left side. It is inflamed and tender. So are the lymph nodes. The weather here lately has been sunny and it is windy today. We may have storms coming soon, but I think that we will have more nice days than bad weather ones. The storm zones seem to be slowly moving east, year by year. That must be climate change. I think that I have singled out an apartment complex that I like. The dating scene hasn't been working out for me, so the best thing for me in that regard is to abstain from it. I have also noticed people distancing themselves from me though I am uncertain as to why at the moment.

     Every once in awhile, I suggest a book or movie for you to see or read. I would like to suggest Oprah's Beloved. Movie based off of a book. Strange and shocking film with lots of easter eggs. This film needs to be viewed multiple times to soak it in. There are many "theories" regarding it. I haven't read the book, but would like to pick it up someday.

     I have been reading "lost" books of the Bible and am thinking most of the apocryphal books are bogus and probably a major part of the Bible (as well as other scriptures) are too. But, I still find them usefull as literature and spiritual poetry. Some failed prophecies (mine included) and failed prophetic events are also leading me to conclude that we aren't living in the last days, but that our planet may just be going through a period of change which is just as exciting anyway. I still retain faith in God and a belief in the ability to experience spiritual events and direct experience of God.

**breaking** @ approx. 1650: I just got word that my Step-Father has been killed in a motorcycle accident. This will wear hard on my mother who lost one love already to a motorcycle accident. I have lost my Grandfather in July.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Brief Update

     I have been in the process of apartment shopping as I e plan to move within the next month or so. My room mate also is moving before May let's out. There has been a tornado outbreak recently in the American south, causing the deaths of about 37 people. We have barely gotten into tornado season and these things are already beggining. There is also an increase in MERS cases, with at least one in Mecca. Earthquakes are still ongoing in Oklahoma.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Beautiful DaY For the Music Festival

     Today is beautiful as was yesterday. Sunshine. Yesterday was windy, but pleasant. Tomorrow and Sunday may bring bad weather. I am looking forward to it. A couple of days ago we had brief rain, a little thunder and some lightning. Nothing very interesting. Nothing dramatic has happened in Israel yet since the Blood Moon, but the peace talks between Israel and Palestine are approaching the deadline. I wonder what will happen to that. Likely it will not pass and get delayed even longer as it always has. Today I have gotten a lot of things done in preparation for the weekend. I always try to get as much as possible done, before the weekend. Sometimes it's like I am manic. Maybe I am? Today and the weekend is the Norman Music Festival which I plan on visiting every day...since I live less than a mile from it. I will keep you posted.

A Short Story About My Recovery

     My recovery has been a long journey. It has gone on as long as I have been on this earth. But I am thankful for it…why? Because I could have been afflicted with a worse fate. Some people (may peace be upon them) suffer from genetic disorders or cancer, paralysis or any number of horrible conditions, I count my blessings and give thanks to the  Great ‘I AM’ (God) that he has blessed me with legs that walk, eyes to see and ears to hear, a heart that loves and ears to hear, etc. God bless and be with those with greater burdens than my own.

    It began about the age of 12 or 13 with symptoms of OCD. I recognized it immediately and kept it a secret for many years. Luckily eventually I told my Physician who was able to put me on a medication that has mostly caused the OCD to go into remission. At the age of about 15 and a half, I began to experience deep depression, but I could not connect it to any specific cause. It just seemed to appear and plague my every conscious moment. It was just there one day and it crippled me. I lost motivation and even went periods of time on little food from lack of appetite.  I isolated myself and even had suicidal thoughts. When I graduated from High School and enlisted in the Marines. I was discharged and given a ‘Entry Level Separation’ while still in boot camp for reasons related to my condition. To this day I continue to pursue enlistment in the military. Currently I am in contact with a Recruiter from the National Guard. I struggled through my 20s with depression and anxiety but all glory belongs to Jehovah that I did not ever successfully cause my own death. I found my current faith in August of 2011. I joined the Baha’i Faith and pursued a relationship with God and even had a spiritual experience that changed my life in about the fall of 2012.  God has saved me from the Adversary (myself) that I could not overcome on my own. He has led me to better people and a better life. In the lunar calendar it takes 28 days for the moon to complete one cycle and become a new moon. It is interesting that I became a new man at the age of 28 after having completed a self destructive cycle in my life and began true recovery. My reasons have given me happiness and a reason to stay alive. I could never again entertain the idea of suicide again, because I know that God loves me and wants me alive because he has a will for me. To commit a suicidal act contradicts what God’s will for me is. So I must work on myself in a positive way and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and those teachers who have come into my life. I must focus on doing good and working to make society a better place.

     Transition House has helped me immensely. More than any other resource (excluding the institutions of God) and has given me a routine and needed structure as well as neighbors and a roommate who contributes to the development of my social skills. I have been given access to many resources that I have used to better myself and taken steps to forward my goals. Thank you Mary, Bonnie, Candice and the other people of Transition House who have provided me with role models who have positively contributed to my recovery. May God bless them and all associates of Transition House!


     -Sincerely Brian Hill
      April 25, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Two Days Until the Blood Moon

     Not much to share regarding my personal life except that I may be moving soon. Staying in the same damned city though. As I write this there are just under 48 hours until the blood moon which I think may bring about a war with Israel. Seven days prior to the blood moon was an alignmentt of the sun, earth and Mars. There appears to be a 0% chance of a peace treaty being signed between Israel and Palestine...big suprise there. The weather forecast for Oklahoma is erratic as usual with rain through today and the possibility of snow on Monday.

     I frequently plug 'Illuminatus!' here in my blog and am continuing to suggest you read it if you havent. Already. It's one of my favorite books, and would be of interest to others sharing an interest in the eschaton, conspiracies and the Illuminati. I'm also re-reading the 'Left Behind' series for the umpteenth time.

     At the moment it is 3:43 A.M. and I am listening to Simon and Garfunkle. I listen to a very eclectic. Range of music and enjoy music almost as much as books. Right now it is windy outside and we have already got a brief sprinkeling of rain. I am ready for storms, but I think we will have a brief, but powerful storm season. I wobder if Moore will get another tornado. I wonder if Norman will ever get hit by a tornado. It has already been the area for at least a few earthquakes in the past, which brings up the fact that Oklahoma has been very active seismicaly and as t
ime goes on, our quake activity seems to increase.

     I wonder when I might see my friend Bob again. Long stretches of time go between visits since we live in entirely different counties. I have been smoking more than usual. I am out of e-cig juice, so I have been trying to keep my smoking limited. Laundry needs to be done, but it is hard around here with no easy access laundry facility. So I have my mom do it for me. Gave her a load a couple of days ago and when I see her again she will get another. I am hoping we do get storms today, but I don't know if they will actually hit my areaor not. We will likely only get some rain and wind. In reality I don't even really expect snow, but I am sure that Monday will be cold and rainy. Good thing I haven't put away my hoodies yet. You can never be sure when winter has really passed around here.

     Tomorrow will probably be cold. Right now is good westher to be out walking in, if you have some place to walk around. Norman is a good town for walking in. Very safe here. Today is Sunday, but I won't be attending religious services. Likely will catch up on sleep instead. I have had very unhealthy sleep lately. No other real plans for tomorrow. Will likely remain in my corner of town and make the most of the weather and do some reading and DVD watching.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Pre-Blood Moon Edition

     The Blood Moon Tetrad begins in 10 days. Some people believe that the Rapture will happen in correspodence with. The blood moon. I think that this is a bit dramatic. I myself believe that the Rapture occurs at the time of Judgement, rapturing the saved to be with Messiah in Heaven while the damned are judged on earth. I do believe that the blood moon will a significant event for Israel. Could it mean war? The Abomination of Desolation? I am of the belief that the Rapture occurs after the time of Tribulation. I also believe that the Abomination that causes desolation has already occured once shortly after the crucifixion of Christ and that it will occur a second time during the reign of the coming antichrist. Christ mentions in Mathew (Joseph Smith Translation) that the abomination occurs twice.

      The flu epidemic in the United States appears to be coming to an end here and making its appearance in Australia, where I believe that it will hit hard there. Here in the Oklahoma Metro area we seem to be experiencing an epidemic of infectious gastroenteritis and possible bacterial respiratory illness. In China, Taiwan and Hong Kong there have been cases of bird flu, though promise of a multi-strain vaccine may be made available in China by the end of this year or early next. The current strain of bird flu seems to be rather lethal, especially in men for some reason.

      This year seems to be a record breaking year for earthquakes in Oklahoma with more quakes so far felt this year, then all of last year. If you look over the past few years you will notice that disasters have been occuring more frequently and more destructively with each following year. Yesterday four tornadoes touched down in north Texas as tornado season has begun. I think that this year's season will be worse than last years.

     Oklahoma is on its way to the legalisation of marijuana and same-sex marriage. America's civil rights have been progressing steadily under President Obama's leadership. Hong Kong has been experiencing freak weather and a few days ago Chile experienced a very large earthquake. In Russia there seems to be worsening of the situation over Ukraine while there are military movements and the chance of another foreign invasion by Russia. China is benefiting from the situation. In North Korea Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un has purged another member of his cabinet which seems to be his answer to Mao's own purge.

      Is the Antichrist already on the world scene and if so, who is he? I think that it is impossible to say right now and may remain so until the desolation that causes abomination. It is likely that he is not even in the world spot light right now. Some people believe that Prinnce Charles is the AC, which I disagree with since I see no reason to consider him over any other candidates at the current time. Prince Charles has no real political power at this time and I can't really see him as becoming the political leader of a revived Roman Empire. The missing Malaysian plane may be emitting a transponder signal from the ocean bottom, but I can't help but wonder if this is not a ruse to cover up something else.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Expectations For Spring?

What Kind of Spring Should We Expect?
Some "predictions" by Brian Hill reffe2ring to the Spring tine period of 2014
Principly Oklahoma

      Short and dramatic storm season. Likely to be worse than last years and will be note worthy. We will get a storm unlike anything seen before. Moore, OK will face troubles again. The bad season will peak in late spring early summer, but shoulld be brief. Around or on the 15th of April will be many interesting things hsppening in the sky.
     The Ebola out break will soonn peak and stop spreading and will probably see its end by the end of the year. The Los Angelas 5.1 earthquake is a precursor to a stronger quake to come. There is something going seismic occuring around the U.S. west coast. The 29th may be the last opportunity to reach peace between Israel and Palestine.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Asteroid to Pass Earth Today

     Today the previously mentioned asteroid passes by earth...or crashes into it. I expect it to pass like so many others, but one will get us eventually. In fact, it is believed that the first asteroid discovered this year has already hit the earth, likely burning up in the atmosphere. Influenza cases are still around, but winding down, while bird flu is once again spreading in China, raising fears of a coming pandemic. The Malaysian flight that disappeared a few days ago still hasn't shown signs what-so-ever. Oil slicks originaly believed to have been related to the crash site are now believed to be unrelated. It is beggining to look more and more like a terrorist attack, but that has yet to be confirmed. Some people believe that aliens took the plane or it disapeared into some kind of Bermuda Triangle. I go out on a limb sometimes myself, but I think this one has a more common answer.

     As for my life I am happy to report having met someone that I really like and am happy being around. That is a positive change for me.

If My Life Was a Book...
It would be 'The Illuminatus Trilogy' by Robert Anton Wilson.
If you know me and you have read the would understand why.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Asteroid Impact Hazard for March 11th

Approximately 1.5 Days Until Possible Asteroid Impact
On March 11th, an 80 story sized asteroid with an unpredictable path will come near the earth. The asteroid is considered to be a possible impact hazard, but we won't know for sure until it passes (or hits us). Fireballs caused by meteors have increased in the past few days and is expected to continue through until the 16th at least.

~I have 23 contacs in my phone.
~I have the movie '23' on the book shelf in my living room.
~The above mentioned asteroid was lost at least 230 times as it has been tracked.
~A Malaysian airliner 777 has disapeared for unknown reasons while traveling to China. There were 238 passengers aboard.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Asteroid Fly By Today...but what if?

     Exciting new things are in the works for me. You know who you are ;). I am finally over the flu (I think). After almost a MONTH of being sick. Speaking of which, flu season is winding down now that we have passed the peek. The Russians have invaded the Ukraine and tested an ICMB missile. Speaking of missiles, North Korea has been active over the past few days firing missiles into the ocean. Saturday Night Live says they did this in retaliation for a wave that knocked Kim Jong Un over. As of writing this, an asteroid has already or will soon pass close to the Earth. Closer than the moon. Near earth asteroids seem to be a more common occurrence in the last couple of years (along with earthquakes in Oklahoma) which leads me to the next part...

Asteroid Fly By Today 

     The asteroid passing by today is expected to fly by harmlessly. But what would happen if it did hit? The resulting explosion would be more powerful than the atomic bomb exploded over Hiroshima. Remember the meteorite that exploded over Russia last year? That was 30 times more powerful than the above mentioned atomic bomb, and that was an air burst that resulted in the injury of 1,500 people and property damage. Had it landed in a major metropolitan area it would have destroyed an entire city resulting in thousands or possibly millions of deaths and untold destruction and environmental catastrophe. The debris, ash and smoke released during the blast would cloud the atmosphere dropping the amount of sun light that would reach earths surface, causing nuclear winter and the eventual deaths of plant life and animals and possibly world wide famine.
Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. He opened the bottomless pit, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit.
     -Revelation 9:1-2
     If such a meteorite landed in the ocean it would create a tsunami that would devastate coastal areas and destroy ports, harbors and maritime fleets and countless ocean life. Depending on the content of the meteor that would play another factor. Comets are composed of mostly rocky material and ice (and are potential harbingers of "space microbes" that could result in the introduction of a never before seen plague. Asteroids are often composed of iron. A large enough asteroid with a rich enough iron content could literally dye the ocean crimson red, giving the seas the appearance of blood.
The first sounded, and there came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.…
    -Revelation 8:7-9
     It is not a matter of if, but when we are struck from space. We know that these things have happened many times before, in the past and we can be sure that we can expect them again in the future. Just look at what transpired on 2/15/2013.
**Un-Fun Fact: Chicago is the murder capital of the world!**

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Suffering from an Infection and Muscular Knots in My Chest

    This is the food stamps President.     -Heard on the Radio

     I am coming down with some kind of chest infection. A virus probably. I have been around sick people...I mean its unavoidable this time of year and I spend a lot of time in public places like the library or on the bus. It's not the flu though I am sure. Otherwise I wouldn't be at the library right now-I would be bed ridden. Cough and body aches. I am unsure if I have a fever, but if I do, it is probably low. My muscle knots are getting worse and the naproxen I took earlier hasn't done anything for the pain. I am going to take some Ibuprofen later. The coughing makes my chest hurt (where I have a reasonably sized knot). The muscular knots aren't getting better so I have made a Doctor's appointment for next Thursday. I suspect I may have cracked ribs. They will probably prescribe me Ibuprofen and a useless muscle relaxer. I have been using Dimenhydrinate as a muscle relaxer (not what it is indicated for-it's an anti motion sickness medicine but it is an anti-cholinergic like many anti-spasmodics). BTW: Don't follow my guidelines here as medical advice for you, because I am taking risk by self treating and I am not a Doctor. Since it is my own body, I have taken the personal responsibility for myself in treating myself. I can not be held responsible for how you choose to treat your own medical problems. Always seek the advice of a Physician or competent health practitioner...even if I don't.

     A few days ago Iranian war ships arrived near America's maritime borders. I switched on FOX News Radio to hear more. They weren't saying anything about it. The media seems only concerned about the value of the Dollar ($atan), which is slowly becoming extinct. There is talk of a collapse of the dollar coming very soon...perhaps within days of now. I don't think it will happen so dramatically or so fast, but I could be wrong...I often am.

     I have been confirmed as a Delegate of the USA organization of the Korean Friendship Association. For the homepage of the main Korean Friendship Association see the links below.


The Hidden Words (A Baha'i Scripture)

The Doctor and the Pencil

'Monster' by Boondox (Song)

Democratic People's Republic of Korea Homepage (Korean Friendship Association)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Back After a Hiatus

     Greetings. I have been away for awhile. No big reason. Just decided to take a break from the blog. Well it wasn't that really. Just haven't been motivated to write, though it has frequently crossed my mind. I have been following the flu outbreak and we seem to just be past the peak possibly. This year's epidemic seems to have been significantly worse than last seasons, with tent hospitals being set up in California and larger than normal fatality rates. I predict that next year's season will be worse than this one, but I don't think H1N1 will be such a problem in following years (at least for the United States). By that time enough people will have been vaccinated or caught the virus and built immunity to where spread will be limited by the immune. I have been vaccinated and believe myself to be immune to the H1N1 strain and probably the other circulating strains that were included in the vaccine. Shirley Temple Black has passed away at the age of 85. I believe that is the second or third celebrity death recently-and you know they happen in 3's.

     Iranian Navy ships have been headed towards American maritime boarders.

     Have you seen the film pi? I suggest you see it. I can sympathise with the main character, Max Cohen, who is a mathematical genius who is searching for a number pattern. The movie includes some Cabalistic wisdom. What I can sympathise with, is last year I took on an extensive study of scripture and prophecy looking for a pattern of sorts. I found a puzzle that the more I learned about it, the less I knew. Though I learned a lot and expanded my knowledge of scriptural prophecy, I did not find any definite answers. Just more wisdom. I continue my research of world religious writings in my never ending search for truth and GOD. It is a never ending journey and puzzle that I will never solve. But, solving the puzzle is not the important part. It is the journey and knowledge gained from it and the way I use that knowledge to grow psychologically and spiritually and even secularly. I continue to follow current events and how they relate to prophecy, but my study of eschatology is not as obsessive as it once was. For example this blog began as a newsletter and journal of the apocalypse and has evolved into an online publication relating to all things that interest me.

     A show that is a favorite of mine, is 'Northern Exposure'. My favorite character in that show is Christ Stevens. It used to be Joel, because he is a Doctor, but since I have changed for the better I find myself thinking more like Chris, and even asking myself "what would Chris do"? He is the kind of person whom I seek to be like. I am also a big fan of Ed, because both of us are studying to be Shamans, and he is also a benign and spiritual guy.

     I have been having a repeating dream lately. That I am back in High School and thinking of skipping some classes (which I never did). I also seem to forget what classes I am supposed to go to, so I seek someone from the office to get me a schedule. I kind of think the High School represents the school of life and me "skipping" some lessons I am supposed to be learning or loosing my way (forgetting what classes I am supposed to attend). There is more to the dream, but that is an abridged version. Some of the other details are privy to me. I am having this dream almost every night. Or I dream that I am stuck in a place like the mall and no matter how much I explore the mall I can never seem to get out. Door ways just lead to more mall and I seem trapped in it. I kind of think I have been experiencing sleep paralysis and the feeling of being trapped is in actuality a phase of paralysis and an inability to wake myself up. Even in the dream I get a sense of wanting to wake up. Perhaps it is a metaphor for wanting to "wake up" from this world (the Matrix), but being unable to?


Bruno Mars and Illuminati Agent? ... Probably not. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Problem With Snoring?

Some Info About Snoring

     After having slept in the same room over time with people who snore, I have learned a thing or two about the problem. I have also done some research to learn more about it. Before I begin with the article I want to point out that I am not a Doctor and all the information here should be checked against a reliable source before considering what I have written here. Also, this is for informational purposes and is not meant to be used as a tool towards health care of any kind. That is the job of your Physician.
If you are a snorer, it is a good idea to get checked out by a Doctor since snoring can be a sign of a serious problem, including heart problems.

      Snoring is often a symptom of sleep apnea and many over weight people suffer from this conditions (their sleeping partners suffer too). A good idea is to keep your bed room air moist and reposition frequently until you find a sleeping position that aleviates the symptoms. It is a generally good idea to eat a good diet and cut back on caffeine. Exercise and physical activity will help you loose weight that worsens your snoring problem. Exercise can be fun when done correctly and with an open and positive mind.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Revisiting My Numerology Forecast For Myself

     A year ago I consulted a numerology chart for myself for the unlucky year of 2013 and today I am looking back over it and checking the accuracy of the forecast.

     For the entire year it predicted that it would be a time where I would achieve many things and overcome problems. This is accurate, because this year has brought with it, a time for me overcoming some problems and making some positive life changes as well as the end of relationships and the beggining of new ones. I also tried to work to help other people and benefit society. Different people may have different opinions about that however.

     In Febuary the forecast was that something would get in the way of my journey. I don't recall anything like that happening, but a relationship I was in at the time, fell apart soon after. What does 2014 have in store for me? I don't know, I didn't consult the divinatory arts for this year. So, we will just have to wait and see!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Oklahoma's Ground Still Agitated

     Broke one of my front teeth. It didn't hurt, and I figured it would go any time. Not so bad that it is gone. I kind of like the extra space for my tongue to stretch out. I'm not too worried about how it looks. You see I am comfortable with myself and my appearance. If you have issue with that, then either you have control issues or want me to become someone I am not. It has been cold as usual, and an arctic freeze is coming with chances of snow. We probably won't be above freezing again until early next week. These winter storms have been unusualy strong.

     I may be contributing my writting skills to the Norman Bahai newsletter. I have just been thinking that I need to expand my writting activities. I am pretty much broke for the immediate future and am trying to hold out with what groceries I have until the tenth.


* Earthquakes Continue in Oklahoma Over Weekend.
* James Avery dead at 65.
* Tulsa hospitals noting more cases of the flu
* Girl in Hawaii dies after route canal surgery.
* Winter storm may bring temps as low as fifty below zero.
* Flu activity is widespread in the States.
* Indonesian volcano Mount Sinabung erupts over 50 times since Saturday
* Polar vortex to bring dramatic cold weather

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Edition

     Yesterday was New Years Eve. I did nothing special in observance. Drank energy drinks and stayed sober. I had originally planned to attend a meeting and celebration at Norman Original Group, but was unable due to lack of a ride. I will go to one later today. I set a New Years resolution today. For the first time ever. That resolution is to quit smoking. I am once again using one of those electronic cigarettes that been banned from use in so many places. I didn't even watch the ball drop. Someone near by was firing fire works though. The energy drinks still have me up, so I am going to watch the first sun rise of the yesr. Speaking of the has flipped it's poles yesterday, after concluding it's 23rd solar cycle. I wonder if that is some kind of omen for the new year? Barbara Bush has been hospitalisedwith a respiratory condition. I wonder if it could be the flu since it seems to be hitting Texas so hard.

     Three seems to continue to be the number that is popping up. BTW three is a lucky number in North Korea, similar to the number seven in the west. The mysterious deaths of bald eagles in Utah has been attributed to the West Nile Virus. This concludes the rather brief edition for the New Year. I hope everyone is safe and has a great 2014.