For there shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. -Mathew 24:21
God is most Glorious
Who is coming will come and will not delay. -Hebrews 10:37 NIV
Today is Tuesday the second day of the week. It is the ninth day of the seventh month of the thirteenth year of the 21st century. Let me start off by saying, that my cell phone is on the fritz Won't turn on sometimes. For a few days it would just randomly shut itself off, than come on if it felt like it. This time it shut it self off, and decided that it wants to be even more difficult back on again. So if you need to get a hold of me, try my phone and wait patiently for a reply, if you do not hear from me better tell someone I know, or Facebook me or something. I am going to try and keep some of my "forums" and friends updated on where I am so that people can come look for me if they are searching for me or if they need to pass on a message. Currently I am at the library (time is 9:42 A.M.) and plan to remain here until about 11:30 where I will go eat lunch at the lunch place for friends that they serve lunch for every day. Then off to the career center until about 2:15 where I will proceed to the airport to meet my Mom. I hope that she may be able to help me get a new phone, otherwise I may be out of communication for quite some time.
I have been very sleepy lately. Sleeping in various places and for various periods of time. My sleep quality has been OK. Comfortable, but I wake up frequently. Last night I slept in a covered shelter in a part. When you sleep exposed to the elements, sleep tends not to be as quality as you could hope for, but tonight I will be checking in to the Salvation Army for five days if they have beds available. The last few days I have been napping a lot and trying to catch up on needed sleep, but I cant seem to totally shake the complete drowsiness. I need to to rent a hotel room in the near future for a few nights, to catch up on my sleep debt. I just finished the book
The Dark Tower: Gunslinger by Stephen King. I have found an interesting parallel between the tower, with the tower or Babel as well as my own theory of the infiniverse wrapping around the body (tower) of Go, with God's head/throne (the Room) at the top. The inifniverse is the compilation of worlds and dimensions wrapped in a spiral around God's body/throne/tower. The lower spiral being the "Hell regions" with the current world somewhere in the middle, and Paradise as you approach the top. Each incarnation of our lives moves up up or down the spiral respectively with your earthly behaviour. I am excited to continue reading the series. I have always felt that Stephen King had tapped into something special and they he likewise, is also a prophet.
I am also on book 11 of the Left Behind Series, though I have yet to start reading it. It is
Armageddon and I believe I approach the end of the series. I am anticipating reading some of the prequel books as well as the kids series. For breakfast this morning, I had lemonade, two hard boiled eggs and Sour Patch Kidd. Not a healthy breakfast i know, but it was a start.
At this time there does not seem to be an confirmed cases of Influenza in the state of Oklahoma.
Two more people have died from MERS, though no Pandemic has occurred as of yet. From what I understand bird flu has also once again gone dormant. I don't think we have any immediate pandemic threats on the horizon.
Haven't All These Things Always Been Going on?
No. They haven't. A reader recently asked me (skeptically) in regards to us living in the least days. That prophecy is vague and predicts events that have happened many times before and will continue to happen. This is true and false at the same time. While scripture does predict events like earth quakes, pestilence, war and famine, etc. which has been going on since the dawn of time yes. But the difference is that these events have become more dramatically worse and occur more then previously. The New Testament tells us that these calamities will increase and become worse as we approach the end. This is happening. For example:
-9/11 was the worst terrorist attack in the world.
-Hurricane Sandy was one of the worst hurricanes in America's history.
-Never before in human history has mankind had the tools to destroy himself and the world in a matter of minutes.
-The mark of the beast is now a reality when considering the RFID chip and computer scanning.
-The Bible talks about the entire world witnessesing various events. A hundred or more years ago this would not have been possible. But with satellite and international news coverage we can watch events occuring around the world as they happen.
-The meteor that exploded over Russia earlier this year is a rare event.
-Unusual events like masss animal die offs and new epidemic diseases are beginning to show up at a faster and faster rate.
-Another significant event was the rebirth of Israel, that not only has occurred in our time, but seemed completely impossible that it could ever be reborn...especially in a single night. Consider this quote from Hal Lindsey's book The 1980's: Countdown to Armageddon:
The answer is simple. The prophets told us that the rebirth of Israel-no other event-would be the sign that the count down has begun. Since that rebirth, the rest f the prophecies have begun to be be fulfilled quite rapidly. For reason I am convinced that we are now in the unique time clearly ajd Presley forecasted by the Hebrew prophets.
Some Things Going On:
* (Previous event) U.S. fails to protect and rescue American hostages in Algeria. Americans enraged at U.S. governments lack of reaction.
* Egyptian President Morsi has been ousted by the Egyptian military.
* American citizens are demanding that the IRS be shit down and dismantled ed. I cant say that I disagree with this. Our government has become way too big and powerful for our good, and its own.
* 13 people killed by an oil tanker train explosion in Canada on Saturday. The resulting explosion killed 40 homes. It was reported that a fire had occurred on the train about an hour and half before the explosion, though the relation of the fire to the explosion is not yet know.
* The American forces have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world several times over.
News Briefs:
*On Saturday a Asiana 777 crash landed in Sa Fransisco, killing two passengers and injuring many others. The crash could have been far worse, so we should we thankful that nothing worse had happened.
A site currently being developed by a friend of mine.