This is going to be a new experiment. Since I don't have access to WI WI right now, I will have to journal, then save. When I am "back home" (visiting my Mom for Christmas in Oklahoma City) I will publish this [late]. Today is Christmas Eve. I broke it in with some eggnog. The exact time is 1:40 a.m. I like this time of year because there is always magic in the air and synchronicities abound. I have especially noticed it in the last few days. Due to a set-back last week, I lost about nine days of productivity but it happened for a reason. Everything that happens, happens the way it is supposed to. If you notice magic moving around you and you spot the patterns and realize that synchronicity is trying to tell you something-go with it. Go the way you are guided. We may have storms here on Christmas Day. Interesting. Our planet is a very interesting place to live. Especially in the last few years. At present I am in Oklahoma City, OK. Staying up late. Not on purpose. Sleep issues. I am tired though.
I awoke almost at 0900 on the dot, to find the city smothered in fog. Fogs are best for walking in (driving and flying in-not so much). Everytime there is a heavy fog (doesnt happen often around here) I go it, looking for monsters like in 'Silent Hill' or Stephen King's 'The Mist'. I havent met any yet, but I haven't given up hope. ISIS has a call out for its Lone Wolf supporters to attack churches and other holiday venues over Christmas. I don't need to publicate my opinion here, because I think it conforms with what a majority of good and patriotic Americans feel. With every "attack" and "incident, we become stronger. A little more honed. A little more closer with each other and a lot bit fed up. What ISIS is unaware of, is that it is training us-on how to kill it. Each attack reveals their strategies, tactics, countless intel about their ops. We are not weakening, we are silently becoming stronger. Like a Samurai that trains for years for a victorious 3 minute confrontation with his nemesis.
Went for a walk while it was still foggy. I could only see about 150 feet around me, before my range of sight gave to the foggy encapsulation of my environment. One of the foggiest days I have ever experienced, but not the THE foggiest. Deeper, darker, more mystical fogs are yet out there for me to enjoy.
Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ. The problem with this date, is that it was chosen because the Pagans already celebrated the birth of the Pagan messiah on Yule. A more likely time frame for Christ's birth would be in the Spring, because the activities of the people around the nativity story conforms to what one would expect of them in the spring time rather than the colder months of winter. Atheists may celebrate a traditional celebration, if they even choose to observe at all. I commemorate it as the Birth of the Messiah, even if the date is wrong, it is traditional and can mean and be expressed in any way you are inspired to. I would like to think that the winter celebrations of the world's faiths (and sciences) are all part of a big Holiday tapestry. Everyone having their own place and role in a greater celebration towards similar beliefs and values world (galaxy?) wide.
I know that right now there are lone wolf terrorists contemplating something for today and tomorrow and New Years. But, they are going to get quite the surprise if they try anything, because our protective forces are on duty and many watchmen are at their posts. I live in a world where it is almost an every day fact of reality that someone is plotting to kill me or people I care about at this very moment, and they have the intent to carry that out. 17 years ago I would not have even thought about that risk. But today's world is a much different and darker place then it was at the turn of the century. Which doesn't say much-we were far from being considered to be in a good way.
So Happy Birthday to Isa/Jesus/Yeshua (may peace be upon Him) whatever date you may have been born and in whatever manifestation of it! Next year I will focus on a different divine archetype for the Yule season. The year before last, I used a Krishna theme. Merrry Krishna! It really doesnt feel like much of a Christmas this year. Too many scrooges expecting some imagine entitlement that if they don't receive it, will make everyone around them their taste venom for ruing them. If your holiday sucks, well I'm sorry. I hope it gets better, but don't screw everyone else's up because your miserable. By now, I have probably said a prayer for you. The dog family is here. Keesha, Ringer and Missy (the "kids").
Tuesday I need to make contact with P&B Staffing to check on any jobs I may be interested in. my next step is to check with the Navy about recruitment. I also plan to check with CSL plasma. My access to internet resources has bountifully increased, so may God shower Steffan with blessings for his generosity, and may He do the same to the Bart Family, whom have also helped me immeasurably (they are very good the Benfields). In fact if society was full of more people with that type of generosity, we would be goose stepping towards utopia. But everything is as it should be, so let us all do the best we can do and that at least will be enough to get us off in the right direction. Someone once said "the problem with new years resolutions is that after a few days you forget them and they go no where". Those are nay-sayers. They come only to say "nay" and contribute nothing towards the Great aside from a bad attitude. New years is a way of heralding in a better year. A hope to get off on the right foot. Its entirely up to you to decide which foot to put forward (or backwards for some of you).
I'd rather be the poor but happy kid who wakes up with no toys on Christmas, rather then to be the miserable haunted soul with mountains of cursed gold. The pleasure of life is bitter-sweet, but the satisfaction of bountiful LOVE from the Creator cant even be described. Not even imagined. As people, we are INCAPABLE of understanding or comprehending the spiritual world. But there is overwhelming evidence that GOD is very well present and it in total control. You have no reason to worry, or to be afraid because in the end if you trust God, then you are absolved from the burden of having to fret over your well being. I know that I will die when God wills it. And that my death is just one more birth into a realm better than this (Alhamdulilah). We have TONS of things to look forward to and unbelievable faucet of blessings that people have for some reason, failed to acknowledge. Pride and humility gets in the way. Being prostrate and humbled before God is a very wonderful feeling. If you have not felt it, I invite you to go your church and pray. Synagogue-pray. Mosque-prayer. Cast circle in the wilderness? Whatever gets you linked up with the Great Mind. The Great Mind says to some "I HAVE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME, YOU NEVER NOTICED ME, UNTIL YOU NEEDED SOMETHING". The Divine wants your attention and love. Is that really so hard? I bet if you did it, that you would never regret it. If you decide to do it, please I would love to hear from you! I welcome feed back and comments from readers so please share. Thank you!
I'm full of Christmas cheer! If you need a little bit, let me know and I will share some with you. Eggnogg is a ceremonial drink. I'm drinking non-alcoholic nogg. It's very nice. A thought about the Antichrist has crossed my mind. I think that it is highly likely that his cloven hoof is making paw prints somewhere on the earth right now. I bet the AntiChrist gets born on Christmas. Isnt that the way it would work out?
Opening gifts has passed. I got a huge amount of supplies to hold back for preparation and storage. I will be ready when the event happens whether its a pandemic, revolution, meteor strike, rabid birds, hippies with the munchies, whatever...I know I will survive it (God Willing)
Saturday morning. I don't see any presents from Santa Clause-hes probably tied up somewhere late on his route. That's fine. I will continue to eat my breakfast and wait for his bowl full of jelly to come sliding down my chimney. That last line wasn't made to sound like that, but it's kind of funny. You know what? I think I will take me a nap.
Woke up from the nap. Called Wendy. I have napped all day and had left overs. Its 9:32 a.m. now and Christmas is almost over. Another holiday survived. Round three: New Years Eve. Many more adventures to come. I just chugged some Z-Quil (Diphenhydramine with 10 percent alcohol). I literally have slept until it was time to go to bed, so now I take a generous dose of sleep OTC. Just what I need is for this to turn into a trip report! The alcohol in the Z Quiel does not violate my religious obligations since the alcohol is in a medical preparation (and I reserve the belief in specific entheogens being placed on earth bu the Great Spirit as tools for harmonic interface with the matrix of nature and reality.
Right now I am patiently sitting here with a cigarette feeling stuffy and awaiting the DPH to activate. I', listening to ICP and I'm not proud of that, OK?
=Merry Late Christmas (and Happy Early New Year!
-Brian Hill (Completed ib January 26th, 2016)