Monday, May 6, 2013

23 and other Number Symbols

     23 is the number of synchronicity, the Illuminati and the apocalypse. This number occurs frequently in relationship to those three subjects. It is a number of signs, and its increase of frequency of appearance is an apocalyptic sign. Sometimes it's there to tell us to 'wake up'! The eschaton (#23) is here.  23 is sometimes sent by Mercury or the Metatron. 2+3=5. 5 is the number of the universe and the order of the universe, there are five points on a pentagram, five magical elements (earth, air, fire, water and spirit). With the number three we have the Wiccan law of three (everything you send out returns to you three fold), the three attributes of the Goddess (Maiden, Mother and Crone), the Christian trinity, Christ descended into Hades for three days before his resurrection, for three days Persephone visited the underworld. It was three days that Christ remained dead until his resurrection. The Rapture will occur in two stages; first the resurrection of the dead in Christ and then the rapture of the living. The evil dead will haunt the earth during the end time, until a place is appointed for them in Hell.

     I have come to the conclusion that the number "22" has no significant meaning other than "disregard this", "not important". 2+2=4. Four is the number for natural order, there are four primary elements in occult science (earth, air, fire and water), four dimensions to the perceivable universe, four Noble Truths in Buddhism and four prayers of Buddhism. "1" stands alone. There is one God. "7" is the number of God. "6" is the number of man and evil. "8" represents eternity and the eternal cyclical flow of time, DNA and the spiral. "9" is the self? The soul? "10" is good luck (incidentally so is '7' and '777'). "0" is the void, nothingness, without, nil, vacuum, the abyss, neutrality, without good and evil.

33 is an important degree in the Freemasons. Jesus ministered for three years and concluded (and died) at the age of 33. 33 also represents the Second Coming.

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