Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7th, 2013

     On top of all other things, I am getting a dental abscess! Grrr! At least it has taken my focus off of my shoulder, eh ;) So I am treating it with OTC pain relievers like Aleve and Ibuprofen. No antibiotics yet, but I am going to get that changed very soon. I almost went to the ER last night to get a shot of Novocaine, but eventually managed to fall asleep, and I felt some what better in the morning (thanks to the NSAIDS). Other than that, I am trying to just focus on developing myself and experiencing as much happiness as I can, and being the best person I can be. I am still working through the loneliness that came from the breakup of my most recent relationship, but I doubt me and her will ever speak again or even see each other again. It is for the best, and in a year I will probably think to myself "why did I feel this way about that person? Why did I allow myself to expend so much emotional energy in a relationship that doesn't matter anymore"? While I still love her and her family, I am trying to accept that God has other plans for me, and I  wish her the truest love and happiness. I look forward to meeting again in Heaven. I have n idea what her new life will entail, but she is happy with it, and I am trying to make the most of mine. I don't know how much I will get done today, or even what I expect to do today. There is a couple of places I want to apply for work at, and I will be meeting my Mom this afternoon. It is very possible that I will be leaving Norman this afternoon. At one time I loved this town, but I have grown to despise it. I don't like to entertain negative energy, but that is just how I feel.

     The Lord is near to those that have a broken heart, and he saves those who have a contrite spirit.     -Psalm 34:18

     I was considering trying to enlist with the Oklahoma Army National Guard, but I think that my broken clavicle would keep me out. I am not even going to waste a recruiters time. Since my wallet disappeared a few weeks ago I know how to replace my social security card since it was in the wallet. Until I get that replaced, I can't verify that I am a U.S. citizen, and thus cant get a new job. Balls! It's always something, but that is what keeps life moving, not boring and interesting all at the same time. My life is certainly an interesting one, and these are certainly interesting times to be alive in. If I do decide to move from Norman (and that could be as spontaneous as happening in the next couple of hours) where will I go? Back to Moore where I grew up perhaps. Or maybe Oklahoma City, or quite possibly out of state. The opportunity presents itself to start a new life.


*Tablet of Ahmad (Prayer)

*Rapture in 2013?

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