Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Aftermath of the Apocalypse

     I believe that a consciousness shift did occur around the December 21st, 2012 date. New Agers had claimed this date as coinciding with a specific date on the Mayan calendar (the accurate date was disputed over, but most place the modern date as 12/21/12 (which is interesting in itself, the date marked the beginning of baktun 13.13.13...(coinciding with the number after 12 and beginning of the year 2013). 2012 and 2013 could probably be called the "years of mass synchronicity" (here's my recent obsession with the number '11'). The changing of the date marked the end of one age and beginning of the next. With that allegedly would come apocalypse and/or world shift in consciousness. Many people seem to have had one of three experiences since the fall of last year:

1). Positive change- some people spontaneously changed for the positive spiritually and intellectually. Examples are increased paranormal experiences reported, religious experiences, baptisms, etc.

2.) Negative change- some people seem to have just gotten meaner. Some to an extreme (Newton CT, the Boston Bombings, etc.) and others have just become more violent.

3). No change what-so-ever.

     I believe this event did happen and in some ways I have changed for the positive, and other ways I have many spiritual battles ahead of me. On 12/21/12 people reported seeing flashes in the sky, a fire on the moon ad I myself remember the moon had what appeared to be a smokey ring around it (smoke and fire are given as signs of the end times in the Bible and Koran). The morning of the 22nd; I also witnessed chem trails or what appeared to be trails of smock criss crossing the sky (I thought they resembled meteor trails or the minuteman missile launch from the film 'The Day After'.  There were also two suspicious plane wrecks of small air craft.

     Have you begun looking for the Anti Christ? I have. But, it's probably no use, since the identity of the AC wont be revealed until 'the abomination of desolation'. Christ's rapture of the Church is compared to a groom coming for his bride in wedding ceremony. Christ being the groom and the bride being the Church. Christ can be compared to the Roman God Jupiter (compare to Christ/the Son of God/sun of God. Compare the Church to the lunar goddess Diana (you get two polytheistic symbols of divinity). It is alleged by some, that the Rapture will occur in conjunction with a lunar eclipse (the "marriage of the sun and moon/ Christ marrying the church through rapturis).  The Rapture is the event in which the saved are whisked away into Heaven by the Messiah. Imagine suddenly being left behind in a world where all the good people are gone.

     I believe that the Impostor is at the door and is beginning to knock. From the 'city of seven hills'  will arise the False Prophet whom I believe is this man. And the beast is is the United Nations or a similar power and the European Union being the second Roman Empire. I am not anti-Catholic or anti-Pope, so please do not take offense to the comparison. Don't take my word for it. Make your own opinion. It's statistically probable that I am wrong. I have been before, and I will be again.

     I believe that the CT shooter was under the influence of the unholy spirit if such an eldritch entity exists. As was Hitler, ad infinitum. The particular archetype that I am speaking of likes to travel the rail roads and has no specific identity and anyone of us could have met him in our lives and never even knew it. He carries the plague on his breath and burdens the sleeping.

...a change is coming.     -Heard on a weather broadcast on the 12/21/12-12/22/12.

The rain is coming! (3x)     -Ironically a Radio-evangelist ,and not the weather man.

This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper.     -TS Elliot; The Hollow Men

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
-W.B. Yeats; The Second Coming


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