Monday, May 6, 2013

Blog Post for May 5th, 2013

     Lots of changes in my life are coming. I hope these go better than the last. I am about to move from Norman, OK and pursue other career prospects, I have begun a happy healthy new relationship (though I dearly miss the family I previously had-I will NEVER forget them or ever stop loving them). On the negative side my shoulder still hurts BAD and now I have a tooth ache on top of it. My broken bone is seriously limiting my physical capacity to do much, so it's hurting my job prospects, but there must be SOMETHING gainful out there for me.

     It's not looking to be a good year for a lot of people. It just hasn't started well for many. I predicted 2013 to be a bad year. It looks like it will be for myself included. Over the last couple of days Israel has been conducting air raids in Syria. Syria and Iran are both fuming over this, while Israel tries to calm Syria down. Russia and China also are not too happy about the attacks. Could this be the set up for the Gog and Magog battle? Is Jerusalem about to be surrounded by armies as predicted in Daniel and Luke? Is the Desolation near? I believe that the identity of the Antichrist will be revealed this year. I kind of already expected it to already be happening. Since just before Easter we have already seen the rise of whom I believe to be the false prophet. Be suspicious of anyone he supports who seems to be moving fast in politics. I also believe that something is going to happen soon, that will demonstrate God's influence to people around the world. We are seeing the beginning of a great revival that will signal a last minute call to repentance prior to the Tribulation. Many people will never repent despite what signs that may see and will ultimately be destroyed by Judgement.

     The Bird Flu situation in China has the potential to get much worse. It appears possible to spread the virus through close human-to-human contact, but has not become as contagious as the typical flu. If the virus continues to mutate, it could turn into a very serious pandemic. Perhaps the worst in history. I have been saying for awhile to expect a respiratory pandemic worse than SARS in 2003. There is no cure for this virus and no vaccine at this time. It is already too late to stop if a pandemic is imminent. A drug-resistant strain of Gonorrhea is making the rounds, so play it safe if you aren't celibate. Drug-resistant means probably not treatable.

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