Thursday, May 23, 2013

Current and Coming Events

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.     -Rev. 12:21 (?)

...for there is no authority except that which God has established.     -Romans 13:1

     God has instituted through his WILL President Obama, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and all other world leaders. Even by the will of God does the Antichrist likewise rise to power. a man thinketh in his heart, so is he...     -Proverbs 23:7
I have said these things to YOU that by means of me YOU may have peace. In the world you are having tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.     -John 16:33

     The trumpet will soon blow. The weather of the United States is becoming worse. Soon there will be three days of darkness. I believe that in the last half of this year we will see what will become the rise of the revived Roman Empire: Turkey Wants European Union Membership. There will be more solar storms (possibly causing catastrophic conditions for satellites and electronics on earth). I believe that the revived Roman empire (the fourth Beast of Daniel) will be completely set up within just a couple of years. The current Pope Petrus Romanus is the False Prophet and will herald in the Antichrist.

     Within a short time, I also expect the Mark of the Beast to be put into place. Anyone receiving the mark will NOT get a second chance for salvation. Those that receive the mark will be permanently damned and will receive the wrath of God and a plague of sores. The world economy will soon collapse and a new promising one will be set up. That is when the mark of the Beast will be utilised. You will not be able to buy or sell without the mark. The mark is quite likely to be the RFID chip, or something similar to it. Begin preparing now for what is coming. Stock up on food, medicine, water, plant seeds, etc. Even Bibles, which will be made illegal soon. Try memorising important scriptures for when possession of scriptures is made a felony. In Islam, it is a duty to memorise entire surahs of the Koran, even the whole book itself. Memorise prayers and scripture. Find safe places to ride out the coming storm. Utilise communal living and promote sharing of surplus supplies with unprepared people.

     Expect a police state soon in the U.S. and likely eventually wide spread around the world. You are now unable to trust authority. Expect an increase in supernatural and "demonic activity". Hold strong in your faith. Remember that God is LOVE. The "true religion" is LOVE. Share LOVE to those around you, including your enemies. LOVE heals evil. It is one of the few effective methods for combating the forces of darkness and evil in the world. Evil shall increase, but so shall Good. If the religion you are following preaches something other then love for all people-Do Not listen to its message.

     There is more storm weather predicted for Oklahoma tonight and for the next few days. I am unsure if tornadoes will be an issue again, or if will just be rain. We had thunder storms in central Oklahoma this morning and some rain. NOAA expects 'above normal" hurricane season. Previously I forecasted this years weather would be bad. So far, it's proving me right.

     Though money is amoral, it tends towards evil habits. In these days ignore the lust for money. Money is Mammon. It is a false God. An idol. Money too often befriends and benefits evil. The true value of the dollar is fuel to kindle for a fire for warmth.

     Right now, outside the world is active. Going about its daily tasks. The weather is typical. No visible signs of storms. That should change for the central area of Oklahoma around 2000. There has been a sort of lull in the weather since the tornado Monday. Some storms and occasional rain, but it hasn't been so dramatic. Either that, or the tornado experience just desensitised me. Storms don't seem like such a big deal in comparison to this year and 1999. It was not hot today. A bit warm and muggy. But humidity is to be expected after any warm weather rain. It was not a bad day. My dental abscess is still bothering me, but at least my glands aren't swollen. I need to have the teeth pulled, but I cant afford that right now, since I have personal expenses to plan for. Eating is difficult and when I sneeze one of the effected tooth lets me know it isn't too happy. I haven't been taking my amoxicillin as required, because it is getting hard for me to remember too. I take the ketoprofen as needed for pain and it helps for the most part. I am almost out of it. But, I still have some OTC NSAIDS to take care of any residual pain. I hope to get my teeth taken care of soon, if possible.


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