Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1st, 2013: May Day Edition

          Today is May 1st. May Day. It is a workers Holiday in Socialist countries and is also significant in various societies and Pagan traditions and is the Satanic New Year (Walpurgisnacht). Wouldn't it be interesting if the Anti-Christ did somthing revelatory today? Oklahoma is reporting it's first Hanta Virus Death in twelve years. The virus kills 1/3 of the people it infects. From the article:
“The initial symptoms are not very specific, fever chills, coughing shortness of breath, body aches and that’s about it,” Laurence Burnsed said, Epidemiologist for Oklahoma State Dept. of Health.
“People need to be aware that when you go into areas to start your clean up process, ventilate them for at least 30 minutes Burnsed said.”
Health officials said you can also clean the area yourself by using a mixture of bleach and water but wet down the area first so you don’t stir up any dust.
“We have some real effective ways to completely get rid of the problem.
He said if you are concerned about the virus, calling a professional may be the best option.

     The pain in my clavicle still continues despite pain meds. It's like I took nothing at all. At least it helps me build up my pain tolerance level ;P Last night I was able to get relief, so I slept pretty well. Getting some much needed errands done today.  Storms possible this evening for the Oklahoma metro area. There are scattered clouds over the central part of the state with some storms to the far west and southwest of us here in Norman.Cold weather is on it's way with a possibility of snow in the north west part of the state (?!). New cases of continue to come out of the bird flu outbreak in China. The situation is becoming more serious. With some cases ending in blood poisoning and organ failure, aside from pneumonia. Taiwan reported it's first bird flu case on the 24th. And interestingly enough, an Airbus A320 had a close encounter with a UFO. Could it have been a space ship? Maybe it was almost struck by Drone? Are Drones threatening safe travel now? Kind of defeats the purpose of having them...

In Oklahoma the Westboro Baptist Church will be protesting at a Basketball game here in Oklahoma tonight. The WBC believes that homosexuals are a sign of the end times and that at the appearance of the end times, there will be an increase in sodomy. I don't think "sodomy" is any more common now than before in history.And in case you are interested...Homosexuality and the Baha'i Faith. As for me, I believe that God is Love, and I believe that the expression of Love is godly. I believe that God has created all people (despite their race pr sexual orientation) for his great purpose. We are taught by scripture that all things serve the will of God. I believe that God will bless a couple that is in love, despite such differences. I do not feel God, is a judgemental God and prefers to love ALL of his children, rather than hate them. Messages of hate don't come from God. Messages of Love come from God.

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