This evening I attended the First Baptist Church of Moore Prayer service for the Moore tornado victims. It is quite touching and yet heart breaking at the same time. I found myself missing the family that I used to have (a previous relationship awarded me the kids of my significant other at the time with whom I grew closer to then I have anyone excluding my mother) [and actually left the service depressed]. The choir did a wonderful job as well as the touching prayers of church Pastor Kevin, Rabbi Vered Harris and Archbishop Paul S. Coakley from the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. The adorable children of the Briarwood Elementary School Choir sang a heart warming rendition of 'Jesus Loves' me after being greeted with a standing ovation which lasted for several minutes. There was music and the Governor Mary Fallin spoke. The entire service lasted about an hour and a half.
In Regards to A Couple of Dreams I Have Recently Had:
*A month or so ago I had a dream about a catastrophic storm that hit the area (but missed Norman). The dream stuck with me for awhile. In the aftermath of the May 20th tornado I cant help but wonder if the dream was a premonition. It felt like such, as I get what seem to be prophetic dreams from time to time.
*I wont go too much into the details of this dream as it is not necessary. After I was baptised last night I spoke with the preacher for awhile in his room. As I was getting ready to leave we embraced hands. It was at that point that I recognized the setting from a dream I had last week. The details were interestingly similar. When I had that dream, I couldn't help but feel that it was prophetic in some way. I believe that the events of last night confirmed the dream.
As time progresses God reveals things to us more and more as the prophesied time arrives. In the distant past, end times prophecies, while descriptive, did not give a full picture or time line of coming events. Prophecy that was meant to take place over thousands of years have been given as brief revelation, but in time those revelations are expanded on and detailed as necessary for the understanding of the people that the prophecy is meant for. This is called progressive revelation. As we approach the designated times, God reveals to us details about specific events as we need to understand them.
Last night (this morning) at approximately 0045, I was baptised by a non-denominational preacher. We spoke awhile on spiritual and theological topics. He convinced me the need to be baptised into "God's Church", rather then into a specific denomination (I was baptised into the Latter Day Saints church on Christmas day 2003). While getting ready to go to sleep I prayed for forgiveness of my sins and that God would make me into the person he wants me to be. I am going to try and use this event to better myself and become a better person and let go of anger and negative destructive emotions. It is time to begin living the best life that I can live. I confessed that I believe in and accept Christ's gift of salvation, which I gladly accepted.
Today rockets have his the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon. Five people (at least) have been injured when a residential building and car dealership were h it. A third fired rocket failed to explode. The second floor of a residential building was struck, however no injuries resulted because of it. As of this afternoon (CST) it was too early to know who was responsible for the attacks.
Syria has agreed to attend the Geneva peace talks. The growing chaos and conflicts in the Middle East are setting the stage for hostile action against Israel. In no certain time will the God/Magog war occur (most likely AFTER the Antichrist signs a seven year peace treaty with Israel). The new coronavirus in Saudi Arabia has claimed its 18th victim. In Saudi Arabia a large number of those who have dies have been elderly people with chronic illness, as was the case with the newest victim. So far 44 cases have been confirmed world wide. The virus has been named Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS). An alert has been raised by the World Health Organization [Plagues in diverse places].
* Will this disease return in the near future? The Plague of Athens